
Showing posts from July, 2013

bash - How to disassemble line by line from stdin? -

my program output encoded instructions this : 0x81fb4300000090 0x69fc4300000090 0x81fc4300000090 0x69fd4300000090 0x81fd4300000090 0x69fe4300000090 0x81fe4300000090 0x69ff4300000090 0x81ff4300000090 0x00054400000090 0x01054400000090 0x02054400000090 0x03054400000090 0x08054400000090 0x09054400000090 0x0a054400000090 0x0b054400000090 0x10054400000090 0x11054400000090 0x12054400000090 0x13054400000090 0x18054400000090 0x19054400000090 0x1a054400000090 0x1b054400000090 0x20054400000090 0x21054400000090 0x22054400000090 0x23054400000090 0x28054400000090 0x29054400000090 0x2a054400000090 0x2b054400000090 0x30054400000090 0x31054400000090 0x32054400000090 0x33054400000090 0x38054400000090 0x39054400000090 0x3a054400000090 0x3b054400000090 0x40054400000090 0x41054400000090 0x42054400000090 0x43054400000090 0x44054400000090 0x45054400000090 0x46054400000090 0x47054400000090 where each lines above independent set of instructions , need disassembled separate programs. each line contains

javascript - react-native TextInput placeholder not visible -

i'm make simple screen contains 1 textinput placeholder, placeholder on displayed. wrong? mycomponent: render() { <textinput placeholder="placeholder" /> } index.js: export default () => { <mycomponent /> } wrapping textinput view don't help. looks misspelled prop placeholder placeholder . see .

csv - Fiddle out columns in python to save in variables -

i trying 2 colums variable had previous code, lets example variable got (it nordic format , seismic saff) variable called data. stat sp iphasw d hrmm secon coda amplit peri azimu velo ain ar tres w dis caz7 pb11 bz ip d 6 9 31.76 62 -0.4810 350 221 pb11 sz iaml 610 18.65 486.2 1.70 350 221 pb08 bz ip c 6 9 39.09 62 6.2310 353 210 pb08 sz iaml 610 30.80 232.5 1.80 353 210 psgcx bz ip d 6 9 31.60 62 -3.9110 372 228 psgcx sz iaml 610 55.47 317.5 2.50 372 228 pb01 bz ip d 6 9 46.54 62 -1.70 9

c++ - variable might not have been initialized used -

i have made code make random fruit depending on probability #include<iostream> #include"stdafx.h" #include <cstdlib> int main() { int blueberries; int grapefruit; int orange; int apple; int pineapple; int random = rand() % 100; if (random > orange & random < apple) { random = pineapple; } else if (random > pineapple & random < grapefruit) { random = apple; } else if (random > apple & random < blueberries) { random = grapefruit; } else if (random > 46) { random = blueberries; } else if (random < 10) { random = orange; } std::cout << random << ".\n"; system("pause"); return(0); } but when want use it, pop "variable not initialized used" can explain me mean ? you not initialising variables, means, content not defined. should set them initial value before using them, example int apple = 0; . also, if want use logical and, should use operator &&, operator & bitw

java - Tomcat Freezes deploying SpringBoot App -

i'm trying deply apps (4 spring boot web apps) in tomcat 9 , noticed 2 of them make tomcat log display: 17-nov-2016 00:15:07.110 info [localhost-startstop-2] org.apache.catalina.startup.hostconfig.deploywar deploying web application archive /users/viruskimera/apache-tomcat-9.0.0.m11/webapps/ftpoutbound990-0.0.1-snapshot.war and stays way deploying doesn't display deployment finished. thing app works when doens't appear deployed completely. (i see log4j entries , files processed in monitored folder) these apps monitor 2 different folders using java watchservice following code: package com.ftpoutbound990.monitor; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.closedwatchserviceexception; import java.nio.file.filesystems; import java.nio.file.path; import java.nio.file.paths; import java.nio.file.standardwatcheventkinds; import java.nio.file.watchevent; import java.nio.file.watchke

visual c++ - Using MenuBar and Ribbon Simultaneously in MFC -

i want achieve is possible in mfc? if yes, ideal way? yes, is. demanded , have application displaying menu , ribbon. in case main window class derived cframewndex , has cmfcmenubar member , cmfcribbonbar . but agree @michael walz strange interface. the rest of work, job investigate... btw, ribbon on picture not seem ribbon has no tabs on top. ribbon want, or speaking toolbar?

outlook addin - VSTO XML ribbon: which callback is called first -

when creating custom xml ribbon in vsto add-in there order various get* callback methods invoked (e.g. getdescription, getenabled, getvisible, etc.)? surely there's order. that's internal implementation detail of office , absolutely shouldn't rely on that. the order can rely on call of onload guaranteed come first. the rest of these methods should not rely on each other. should implemented stateless possible , should return requested value. (hence names starting get... .) is, id of control in , have return value - maybe information current excel.application . one additional information: if need refresh of these get... methods, can call iribbonui.invalidate() . (you instance of iribbonui parameter of onload call.)

c++ - How do I express this? -

i'm trying work out how write following: total = (value * 0.95 ^ 0) + (value * 0.95 ^ 1) + (value * 0.95 ^ 2) ... or: x = (y * z ^ 0) + (y * z ^ 1) + (y * z ^ 2) + (y * z ^ 3) ... this expresses how calculate x 4 iterations, how can express work variable number of iterations? create loop , add values together, i'd find single equation solves this. i'm using c++ guess isn't language specific problem (sorry literally don't know else ask question!). any ideas? thanks, chris. equation-wise solving, geometric series , can therefore calculated with double geometric_series(double y, double z, int n) { return y * (std::pow(z, n) - 1.0) / (z - 1.0); } but same result can obtained fun c++ metaprogramming: if know number of iterations in advanced , you're allowed use c++17 features , fold expressions follows template<std::size_t... n> double calculate_x(double y, double z, std::index_sequence<n...>) { // [0;n[ auto f = []

prediction - Measuring "mixtureness" of labeled data (python) -

i have 2d data: the data labeled , shown in different colors. non supervised process not yield correct prediction because data pretty mixed (although colors seem have regions of preference). want see if possible measure how mixed points different sets. for need define measurement of how mixed (i think should exist). nice have these algorithms implemented. looking simple predictive model can trained used data shown. help. if possible i'm looking these implementations in python.

git - Restore history of divergent, then convergent repo -

i working on restoring history of codebase. have recovered commits lost @ root of git repo, , have discovered new complication. a large chunk of code split separate codebase while... , merged in. main repo: -- b -- c -- d -- e | ^ code moved: | | v | other repo: x -- y -- z when split (and merge) occurred, files copied target repo, , history lost. to complicate matters further, files modified on each copy before commit, it's need commit changes. this leads me 2 questions: will possible replace commit d (which copies files in) lower branch ( x-y-z )? (this priority.) if that's possible, possible restore history of files created @ commit x well? there around 300 commits on "other" repo, , around 5000 on "main" repo d onwards. i suspect git-rebase required, ideally, make use of git-filter-branch not have manually resolve historical merge conflicts. you

adding data to a stack implemented using 2 structs in C: moving pointers -

i'm struggling move pointer 1 element of stack next. have completed implementation. last element of stack given otherwise nothing try seems work. compiler gives error next undeclared (first use of function) on line pnewnode->next=next relevant code below: void push( topstack *ts, int val) { if(ts->num==0) { stack *pnewnode; pnewnode=(stack*)malloc(sizeof(stack)); pnewnode->val=val; pnewnode->next=null; ts->top=pnewnode; } else if(ts->num!=0) { stack *pnewnode; pnewnode=(stack*)malloc(sizeof(stack)); pnewnode->val=val; pnewnode->next=next; ts->top=pnewnode; } } the structs defined here: typedef struct stack_elem { int val; struct stack_elem *next; } stack; //struct contains pointer top of stack typedef struct { int num; //num of elements in stack stack *top;; //top of stack } topstack; i have relevant prototypes function

TMP differs from user variable on Windows -

on windows machine have strange behavior. the system variable temp , tmp set to: %systemroot%\temp the user variable temp , tmp set to: %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp evaluating %userprofile% in cmd gives me like: c:\users\my.username evaluating %temp% , %tmp% in cmd gives me (dos) like: c:\users\my5336~1~ame can explain me cmd values originate from? totally confused. i can find my5336~1~ame value in registry in hklm/software/microsoft/dfp/environment/ not familiar that. edit: even after removing entries registry , logging out , in, still evaluate strange values. and [system.environment]::expandenvironmentvariables("%tmp%") in powershell gives me strange values, too. user environment variables stored under: hkey_current_user\environment and system environment variables under: hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment what have looks bit short file name

c# - WebBrowser and PCI DSS -

in case point-of-sale card reader stops working, backup card entry method required card-processing vendor. processor's suggested method application hosts webbrowser control vendor's own site in credit card info entered @ checkout, , watch url change know when transaction complete , receive verification token. this struck me potential pci minefield: the keypresses going same process rest of point-of-sale application , webbrowser provides in-process dom hooks i'm not sure means https certificate validation in case of mitm separate machine there other things don't know important. (deprecated protocols , algorithms?) to sure, standalone web browser have of these same issues @ least wouldn't responsibility of application codebase. wouldn't want pci audit have problems unrelated in codebase because shares codebase payment entry. am overthinking since it's backup method used if card reader down? standard way of handling this? if being audi

Javascript: how to join two arrays -

this question has answer here: javascript array concat not working. why? 2 answers i know has been asked lot of times, cannot work. i have empty array a var = []; and array object b var b = [{ title: 'test' }] i want join them a b . idea inside for loop a added new item each time. by using a.concat(b) , a results in empty array. not sure missing. per array.prototype.concat() this method not change existing arrays, instead returns new array. you need assign operation a a = a.concat(b)

twitter - Extract tweets and the users only from a particular location using R -

i want compare brand knowledge (ex : sony) in dublin , london. how select tweets locations user name tweeted it? tried london 1 geocode option, returned zero. code: tweets <- searchtwitter( "@sony", n = 1000, since = "2014-01-01", lang = "en", geocode = "51.5074, 0.1278" ) is there better way this? you need remove spaces in geocode parameter, , need specify distance representing radius against lat/long point specify. example, if wanted radius of 50km, use this: tweets <- searchtwitter( "@sony", n = 1000, since = "2014-01-01", lang = "en", geocode = "51.5074,0.1278,50km" ) from twitter documentation : geocode - if not null, returns tweets users located within given radius of given latitude/longitude. and for geocode argument, values given in format latitude,longitude,radius, radius can have either mi (miles) or km (kilometers) unit. example geocode=&#

tableau - Add a Calculated Row For Custom Subtotaling -

i'm trying perform custom subtotaling on sales data give total , non-us sales offices. worksheet looks table labeled "current" , trying make table labeled "desired result" when tried group sales centers , non pill (dimension) greyed out. after googling through bunch of threads found grouping not supported secondary data sources. there anyway manual calculation in table calculations add row or custom subtotaling? add column country (assuming have country in data) [see example had states , zip codes] then go analysis > totals > check on show grand total , on add subtotals visit calculations totals - grand total turn on more information.

javascript - Populate mongo collection for java tests -

i'm trying populate in memory mongo database tests. i'm using mongo-java-driver 2.13.3 using can run javascript code in memory database. using mongoexport --out output.json flag i'm getting documents need in extended json format. then wrap these json documents db.mycollection.insert() , try insert databse using db.eval . but since these documents have extended json format i'm getting following error: com.mongodb.commandfailureexception: { "serverused" : "localhost:12345" , "errmsg" : "exception: field names cannot start $ [$oid] @ src/mongo/shell/collection.js:147" , "code" : 16722 , "ok" : 0.0} i'm wondering if there way solve or if should use other approach achieve that. this example of i'm trying insert: db.keywords.insert({"_id":{"$oid":"53cd13a4e4b0d5282d586abf"},"name":"mu

c - How to add default Include and Library path for gcc in Macos for bash? -

this should not difficult task, however, not solve issue hours, posted question here. the tried links following: how include needed c library using gcc? how add default include path gcc in linux? how gcc automatically know include glib library how compile gcc shared library? how can add include , lib path cfitsio library gcc compiler? attempt: i downloaded , installed cfitsio in path ~/applications. (not /applications btw). installation commands are: sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install now, let's have program example.c. compile: gcc -wall -o3 example.c -lm -lcfitsio not work. however, gcc -wall -o3 -o example example.c -i /users/poudel/applications/cfitsio/include -l /users/poudel/applications/cfitsio/lib -lm -lcfitsio works now don't want use flags -i , -l times. ho

java - How to genarate hashmap or hashtable from list of class object using stream map in java8? -

class student { int studentid; string studentname; string studentdept; public student() {} } i have these student object list is, list<student> studentlist; i want generate hash map these student list object. hashmap<integer,string> studenthash; hashmap contain sudentid , name list key value pair. as need specific implementation of map , should use method collectors.tomap allowing provide mapsupplier instead of tomap(function<? super t,? extends k> keymapper, function<? super t,? extends u> valuemapper) because if behind scene still return hashmap , not specified explicitly javadoc have no way sure still true in next versions of java. so code should this: hashmap<integer,string> studenthash = collectors.tomap( s -> s.studentid, s -> s.studentname, (u, v) -> { throw new illegalstateexception( string.format("cannot have 2

java - connect to google cloud sql using Hibernate -

i have created google cloud sql instance , able connect using mysql client machine. but when try connect using jdbc driver per below properties <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.driver</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://<ip-of-instance>:3306/<dbname>?zerodatetimebehavior=converttonull</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.verifyservercertificate">false</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.requiressl">true</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.usessl">true</property> i getting below error com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlnontransientconnectionexception: not create connection database server. attempted reconnect 3 times. giving up. @ sun.reflect.generatedconstructoraccessor26.newinstance(unknown source) i using same username , password using in mysql client

flexslider - Flex slider arrows not work -

i've searched problem mine little bit different. in flexslider left , right arrows don't work , seems not css or font location problem. instead of arrows slider shows text "previous" , "next". inspecting code noticed working slider has following code: <a class="flex-next" href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a> the code of not working slider following: <a class="flex-next" href="#">next</a> it seems missing code icon. someone can me? flexslider arrows problem screenshot

javascript - I can't make an input be required with Angular2 -

i'm starting angular , i'm on project have validate inputs can't left clear, every input must me completed. it's html , have .ts file. this extract of html: <div class="form-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="factory" [(ngmodel)]=""> </div> i need validate factory input when watching tutorials needed write 'required' inside <input> , had <form> , every input inside form, , html doesn't have <form> , when put 1 design horrible , couldn't work. here example using required fields (in login page) : <form [formgroup]='loginform' (submit)="login(loginform.value)"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="login-mail"> <input type="text" placeholder="email" form

node.js - Count Unique using Redis and MongoDB (HyperLogLog) -

i have collection in mongodb sample doc follows - { "_id" : objectid("58114e5e43d6420b7db4e15c"), "browser" : "chrome", "name": "hyades", "country" : "in", "day" : "16-10-21", "ip" : "", "class" : "a123" } problem statement i should able group on of fields while fetching distinct number of ips. the aggregation query - [ {$group: {_id: '$class', ip_arr: {$addtoset: '$ip'}}}, {$project: {class: '$_id.class', ip: {$size: '$ip_arr'}}} ] gives desired results, slow. counting ip using $group slow. output - [{class: "a123",ip: 42},{class: "b123", ip: 56}..] what tried i considered using hyperloglog this. tried using redis implementation. try stream entire data, projecting thing group on, , pfadd corresponding hyperloglog structure in re

google cloud platform - How can I pause a GCP Pubsub push subscription? -

for various reasons have run scenarios "pause" push notifications google cloud platform (gcp) pubsub subscription , allow them queue up, , "unpause" , allow pushes continue without losing messages. is built in feature? can suggest workaround? i don't think there's such pause feature. instead, can use polling consumers , can stop polling when need pause. that's can think of.

plesk - Apache throws 502 bad gateway after some time -

i'm using ubuntu 16.04 plesk . after time has been okay, webpages plesk throw 502 bad gateway errors no obvious reason. type command service apache2 restart , everything's alright again. oddly, states 502 bad gateway nginx despite using apache instead of nginx.

javascript - JQuery - Selecting by class doesn't work -

i new , i've started writing things myself, , have small problem, selecting class doesn't work me. use tampermonkey write search phrase google search ( getting element id works fine: $("#lst-ib").val("something"); but getting class doesn't work: $(".gsfi").val("something"); i tried adding code make run after dom ready, looks this: $(document).ready(function() { $(".gsfi").val("something"); }); why doesn't work? from question there should not chance of issues. if set value of element should happen. if thinking setting value of element change text of div, wrong. setting value of html element not change content of div. need set text of div. have attached sample code snippet setting value of element , changing text of element. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="

Using jQuery's append method in plain javascript, must run Javascript code -

i have situation need import external content dom element, take input , inject different dom element. however, must done without library. the content can mix of script tags, tags, iframes etc... in following example i'm saving external content text area element, use append method of jquery , saves container, results in execution of script , addition of anchor element container div. <script src=""></script> <body> <textarea style="display:none" id ="thirdparty"> <a href=""> test </a> <script> alert("3rd party content"); </script> </textarea> <div id="container"> </div> <button onclick="inject()"> test </button> <script> function inject() { $('#con - C# Grid View Airport Screen Web Form -

i have simple page on web forms, showing grid view source sql server. far good, grid view shows 50 rows/records have on database.however changing information of rows , adding , deleting rows. need timer in order refresh page every 1 minute.the challenge me have automatic paging every 1 minute grid view shows 10 rows each time , after 1 minute shows next 10 rows. ss reach last set, starts page 1 again , on.

Squid Proxy Active (exited) instead of Active (running) -

i have problem squid proxy. i using digitalocean vps provider , operating system ubuntu. i want squid proxy active (running) always, every 30 minutes (time interval) turn active (exited). how can solved kind of problem? squid proxy image attached:


i have dataset. please see below sample row: 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460695483:440507;1460777656:440515;1460778054:440488;1460778157:440481,440600; each column separated space(in total 3 columns). columns names id (int), unid (string), time_stamp (string). i split dataset such each unique element such below rows:- 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460695483:440507 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460777656:440515 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460778054:440488 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460778157:440481 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460778157:440600 each sub-point each row. have used following query giving me output above. have used following code , not working:- select id, unid,time_date table lateral view explode (split (time_date,'\;')) time_date time_date; output:- 94654 6802d326-9f9b-4fc8-b2dd-f878eade31f2 1460695483:440507;146077

xcode - Swift on Mac terminal -

formerly used freebsd , netbsd. code c on command line interface (cli) vim editor. now using macos. used cli, when code swift on macos, opt console. i've learned can code swift on mac terminal without installing xcode. can compile or interpret , run simple swift code on terminal. so questions, swift on mac terminal have full features xcode or not? swift libraries included in mac terminal? you have install xcode if don't plan use it, because installs swift toolchain. on linux can install standalone swift (and of course can access linux libraries, not macos or ios ones) in macos have install via xcode (but don't have use xcode write code). see ,

javascript - How can I change the direction of the expand/collapse effect in a div text? -

i'd text opened animation bottom , not top did: function showhide(shid) { if (document.getelementbyid(shid)) { if (document.getelementbyid(shid+'-show').style.display != 'none') { document.getelementbyid(shid+'-show').style.display = 'none'; document.getelementbyid(shid+'-hide').style.display = 'inline'; document.getelementbyid(shid).style.height = '100px'; } else { document.getelementbyid(shid+'-show').style.display = 'inline'; document.getelementbyid(shid+'-hide').style.display = 'none'; document.getelementbyid(shid).style.height = '0px'; } } } #example { background: red; height: 0px; overflow: hidden; transition: height 2s; -moz-transition: height 2s; /* firefox 4 */ -webkit-transition: height 2s; /* safari , chrome */

javascript - Detecting if user clicked on any circle inside canvas -

as addition previous question , now, trying detect if user clicked on created circle. i creating node objects when user presses keys. jquery(document).ready(function() { $('#canvas').attr('height', $('#canvas').css('height')); $('#canvas').attr('width', $('#canvas').css('width')); var x = -1; var y = -1; var v = []; function node(id) { var _this = this; // constructor (function() { _this.x = x || null; _this.y = y || null; = id || null; _this.clicked = false; })(); this.draw = function(ctx) { ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(x, y, 20, 0, 2 * math.pi); ctx.font = '16pt calibri'; ctx.fillstyle = 'black'; ctx.textalign = 'center'; ctx.filltext(id, x, y+3); ctx.stroke(); v.push(v);

c# - Storing Images in Project Folder - Directory Not Found Error Message -

i trying save images slideimages folder in web forms website, using c#. when try submit image using following code: protected void btnsubmitimage_click(object sender, eventargs e) { //get filename fileupload control string filename = path.getfilename(fileuploadimages.postedfile.filename); //save images slideimages folder fileuploadimages.saveas(server.mappath("slideimages/" + filename)); //open database connection; //query insert images name , description database sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("insert slideshowtable(imagename,description) values(@imagename,@description)", con7); //passing parameters query cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@imagename", filename); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@description", txtdesc.text); cmd.executenonquery(); //close dbconnection con7.close(); txtdesc.text = string.empty; binddatalist(); } i below error message when tr

r - How to reduce size of randomForest object -

i trying predict randomforest object huge raster layer (34 mio cells, 120+ layers). therefore, use clusterr function within raster package. however, if start predict calculated randomforest object, loaded parallel workers. thus, processes combined need lot of memory. is possible reduce size of randomforest object, without loosing model? have experience this? i create model this: library(randomforest) set.seed(42) df <- data.frame(class = sample(x = 1:3, size = 10000, replace = t)) str(df) (i in 1:100){ df <- cbind(df, runif(10000)) } colnames(df) <- c("class", 1:100) df$class <- as.factor(df$class) rfo <- randomforest(x = df[,2:ncol(df)], y = df$class, ntree = 500, do.trace = 10) object.size(rfo) # 57110816 bytes

objective c - Should I dealloc NSImage? -

i writing simple obj-c app. far i've never had alloc , gave granted arc take care of memory management. but have call: nsimage *myimage = [[nsimage alloc] initbyreferencingfile: pathtomyimg]; after i'm done myimage should manually dealloc it? if you’re using objective-c arc (which default, , said anyway), there no difference in required memory management between factory method -style instantiation , [[nsimage alloc] init] -style instantiation. create automatically released when last strong reference goes out of scope (or object holding reference’s last strong reference goes out of scope). if weren't using arc, you’d have manually [myimage release] when done it, there’s no reason not unless you’re writing code older project.

oracle - use bind variable with LIKE % operator -

in pl/sql have big dynamic sql using bind variables. use dbms_sql package bind , execute generated query. based on criteria, where-clauses added dynamic sql. when use "in" or "=" match bind variables works fine , results returned pretty fast. example: (servedparty = :bv_ or servedpartyimsi = :bv_) however, when following: (servedpartyimei :bv_) and provide value 12345679890% query takes very long time. i've tried somehting this (servedpartyimei :bv_||'%') and provide value without '%' gives same results when execute query without bind variables put hardcoded values, result returned immediatly. am doing wrong here? don't bind variables like operator? ideas? thank you. i think suffering oracle bug 9197434 (bind peeking not happening when using dbms_sql) as far know, has not been fixed. without benefit of bind variable peeking, oracle has no idea value on the right-hand side of like condition. '%&#

c# - How to pass compilation directive into other projects in dotnet core? -

if run entry project below, see nothing on screen expected since there no debug or trace directives in define . the moment call helper.tracetest(); consumer project displays output. means consumer project ignores definition set on entry project . there no define entry set in consumer project 's and/or helper project 's project.json file if explicitly set consumer project 's project.json obeys expected. so there ugly way of making work if set in each project.json , wonder if there elegant way of defining solution wise? thanks in advance. entry project project.json // ... "configurations": { "release": { "buildoptions": { "define": [] } }, "debug": { "buildoptions": { "define": [] } } }, //... program.cs public class program { public static void main(string[] args) { #if trace console.writeline ("hello world

PHP soap xml vs SoapUI xml -

i have working soap ui xml, , have soap request xml , identical. soap ui works, mine gets null response. here's soapui xml first <soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:get=""> <soapenv:header> <get:authheader> <get:corpname>corp</get:corpname> <get:userid>1234</get:userid> <get:signature>abc123</get:signature> </get:authheader> </soapenv:header> <soapenv:body> <get:getdetails xmlns:get=""> <get:object_id>qwerty-123</get:object_id> </get:getdetails> </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope> and here php code , request. $client=new soapclient($wsdl,array('trace' => 1, 'exception'

How to prevent Koala from appending ".min" to the name of the output -

i'm using koala gui minify js/css resources , know if it's possible "turn off" feature automatically append .min file output name. example: pre-compile file name: foo.js koala output file name: foo.min.js <-- koala default. i not want .min appended name. can prevent this?

excel - How to return previous cell value after iterative change into a new cell -

typically, getting around using vba module since not programmer, think problem may require it. want create function or macro read "current" r^2 value off chart , dump value new cell called "previous" whenever data updates , r^2 value changes. in other words want excel file show both current active r^2 value chart , previous r^2 value before change 2 separate cells. i using function =1-sumproduct((c3:c12-(d3:d12*index(linest(c3:c12,d3:d12,not(f$5)),1)+index(linest(c3:c12,d3:d12,not(f$5)),2)))^2)/sumproduct((c3:c12-average(c3:c12))^2) read active scatter plot , output r^2 value. this closest result fine online: how old value of changed cell in excel vba? image of workbook: you need copy cell cell before updating graph. 'transfer current value previous value cell cells(11,7) = cells(10,7).value 'refresh sheet. (or whatever need update graph. application.calculate

html - Insert List Item in an Ordered List using JavaScript -

i have type of list item in ordered list. <li class="other"> <div class="avatar"><img src="" draggable="false"/></div> <div class="msg"> <p>copĆ³n</p> <p><emoji class="funny"/></p> <time>18:08</time> </div> </li> i want insert new list item using javascript. here trying do. window.onkeypress = function(event) { if (event.keycode == 13) { function1(); } } function function1() { var str = document.getelementbyid("query_text").value; if (str.length == 0) { return; } else { var ol = document.getelementbyid("list_container"); var li = document.createelement("li"); li.innerhtml = '<div class="avatar"><img src="