
Showing posts from September, 2010

ckeditor - How can I apply the h1 format in CKEditor3 by shortcut -

i apply addional formats (like h1, h2, ect) keyboard shortcuts in ckeditor3. found editor.keystrokehandler.keystrokes[ckeditor.ctrl + 113, 'bold']; but changing to editor.keystrokehandler.keystrokes[ckeditor.ctrl + 113, 'h1']; doesn't work. thanks lot.

SCIM 1. 1 - Change password using SCIM 1.1 -

is attribute available scim 1.1 using can set password in admin change mode or self change mode. use case 1 - if trying change users password @ time when user going login managed system managed system asked password reset. use case 2 - if user trying change own password @ time, managed system directly login user , not asked password reset. can please me in this, trying implement using scim. it depends. scim providers may not support password change or reset while other will. there scim password management extension draft-hunt-scim-password-mgmt-00 draft scim providers support. other providers may have restrictions. ping shows password write-only. user's clear-text password. can provided in post operation (for create) or put operation password change. there of course nothing stopping extending scim schema add scim attribute indicates requirement password needs changed. need of course manage values client.

swift - TableViewController didSelectRowAt SIGABRT Error (no faulty connections) -

i have tableview gets data realm database. want select multiple rows , want give them checkmark , set "selected" attribute of exercises "true". if try code here sigabrt error. i've researched error , found out going happen when have wrong setted outlets in storyboard or when don't set reuse identifier right. checked it's okay. have idea error can come if storyboard configured right? (sorry bad english) here's code: override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, didselectrowat indexpath: indexpath) { if fromtrainingplan == true && request2 != nil{ tableview.deselectrow(at: indexpath, animated: true) let excercises = request2![(indexpath nsindexpath).row] let cell: uebungentableviewcell = tableview.cellforrow(at: indexpath) as! uebungentableviewcell if excercises.selected == true{ excercises.selected = false //crash print("1") } else{

ios - Replacing multiple characters in swift -

i working on application gets info movies api, api returns genres of movie in special int ids each genre(28 action , 12 adventure). how go changing these ids actual genre names? tried using stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring("\(genreids)", withstring: "\(genrenames)") (genreids , genrenames arrays) application crashed. there no 1 call (at least not know of) replace array of source strings array of replacement strings in 1 go. method stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring replaces instances of 1 string string. you need loop through arrays of genre ids , genre names , call function repeatedly. this: for (index, genreid in genreids.enumerated() { let genrename = genrenames[index] let genreidstring = "\(genreid)" let movienames = movienames.stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring(genreidstring, withstring: genrename) } (note variable names , function names should start lower-case letters, , class names , type names s

angular - angular2 debugging: breakpoint not getting hit at execution only at initialization -

i'm trying debug angular2 app source map placing breakpoint in .ts file. foo(){ //breakpoint here console.log('bar'); } the breakpoint gets hit when loading component , not when executing. idea? put debugger; in line ever want.browser pauses;

apk - Android Studio project doesn't run on devices -

currently i'm making android applications android studio. application working on emulator fine when generate apk file install on android devices project doesn't run , crash. tired search find answer or suggestion fin problem didn't find anything. can tell me how can fix problem?

java - How to log WebLogic startup time? -

when tomcat starts, last log line following: info [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.catalina.start server startup in 20147 ms which feature log on purpose startup time in milliseconds, useful official stat. when weblogic starts however, last log line is: <weblogicserver> <cis1405986> <adminserver> <[standby] executethread: \ '10' queue: 'weblogic.kernel.default (self-tuning)'> <<wls kernel>> <> \ <5097d97d-cb6a-41aa-b418-717a3f768636-0000000d> <1479382972090> \ <[severity-value: 32] [rid: 0] [partition-id: 0] [partition-name: domain] > \ <bea-000365> <server state changed running.> acknowledging running status, not providing info concerning startup time. question : there way make weblogic log startup time or find anywhere in console? if fails, , independent of weblogic, can deploy war queries jvm uptime in init class , emits log, , nothing else. see https://stackoverflo

java - htmlunit Cannot read property "push" from undefined -

i'm trying crawl website using htmlunit. whenever run though outputs following error: caused by: net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ecmaerror: typeerror: cannot read property "push" undefined ( now don't know js, read push kind of array operation. seems standard me , don't know why not supported htmlunit. here code i'm using far: public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { webclient web = new webclient(browserversion.firefox_45); web.getoptions().setuseinsecuressl(true); string url = ""; web.getoptions().setthrowexceptiononfailingstatuscode(false); web.waitforbackgroundjavascript(9000); htmlpage response = web.getpage(url); system.out.println(response.gettitletext()); } what missing? there way around or way fix this? i

excel - How to change the cents form of SpellNumber macro function to "xx/100" -

i have spell numbers in excel need cents form "xx/100" ex. 3,258.63 = "three thousand 2 hundred fifty 8 hundred 63/100 only" right macro function option explicit 'main function '=spellnumber(95) sub test() msgbox spellnumber(95) end sub function spellnumber(mynumber, optional bmoney = false) dim dollars, cents, temp dim decimalplace, count dim inumber redim place(9) string place(1) = " hundred " place(2) = " thousand " place(3) = " million " place(4) = " billion " place(5) = " trillion " inumber = mynumber ' string representation of amount. mynumber = trim(str(mynumber)) ' position of decimal place 0 if none. decimalplace = instr(mynumber, ".") ' convert cents , set mynumber dollar amount. if decimalplace > 0 cents = gettens(left(mid(mynumber, decimalplace + 1) & _ "00", 2)) mynumber = trim(left(mynumber, decimalplace - 1)) end

php - Ordering ACF Wordpress -

i having trouble ordering output using advanced custom fields in wordpress. working nicely before had make alterations. so need list order number of signups (meta field) , before, have added field no longer orders them in particular order. $posts = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'schools', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_key' => 'signups', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'meta_key' => 'region', 'meta_value' => 'sw1', 'order' => 'desc' )); i have tried lookup why coming stuck it. leaderboard highest number @ top naturally , ascends down. i figured out now: $posts = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'schools', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_key' => 'si

javascript - emulate a web browser on my website -

is possible create website contains mini web browser? it shoulbe able allow browse internet without leaving site. also should replace of images within image of choice. this how supposed look i tried implement via iframes , works kinda, there few major issues it.the main problem can't edit content of webpage inside iframe due same-origin policy , there few major websites google , facebook don't premit viewing them in ifarme. there workarounds these limitation or should use else instead of iframe? appreciate suggestions. in order want setup proxy server. here tutorial setting 1 using google app engine. here example of live one use better understanding what proxy server say? in computer networks, proxy server server (a computer system or application) acts intermediary requests clients seeking resources other servers. 1 client connects proxy server, requesting service, such file, connection, web page, or other resource available different

c# - How can I use a SQL value in a formula -

i have c# winform app, contains formula. formula works ok depending on id sql table numbers in formula can change. how can accomplish this? the code have is: private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { decimal ufa1; decimal aav1; decimal uft1; ufa1 = uft1 * aav1 * value sql; } i have previous query gets value want can't integrated in formula. the code id is:; sqlcommand cmd = con.createcommand(); cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text; cmd.commandtext = "select prumos dbo.modelos id = '"+id+"'"; sqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader(); new code: because of dependencies had change select id column named "prumos" int values id wont run.; using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("select prumos dbo.modelos prumos = @prumos", con)) { cmd.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("prumos", prumos)); valuefromdb = decimal.parse(cmd.executescalar(

java - Neural network activation function -

i've had time building own ann library, i'm having difficulties understanding behaviors. here activation functions coded: doublefunction<double> sigmoid = x -> 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)); doublefunction<double> sigmoidder = x -> { double s = sigmoid.apply(x); return s * (1 - s); }; doublefunction<double> tanh = math::tanh; doublefunction<double> tanhder = x -> 1. - math.pow(tanh.apply(x), 2); doublefunction<double> relu = x -> math.max(0, x); doublefunction<double> reluder = x -> { if (x < 0) return 0; return 1; }; doublefunction<double> softplus = x -> math.log(1 + math.exp(x)); in code i'm selecting pair serve activation function (+ derivative). none of functions convege solution (i'm trying net learn xor operator) tanh function , derivative. note: using bias neuron each layer outputs constant 1. i've checked this out apparently i'm missing fundamental here.

html - Download image with changing name daily -

i script downloads latest picture nasa's "astronomy picture of day" website use daily changing background. whilst picture description displayed on or iterative number in archive, images named incosistently. e.g. today's image located in <img src="image/1611/nhq201611140001_900x1238.jpg"...> whereas yesterday's picture found in <img src="image/1611/heartsoul_lindemann_960.jpg"> i found on how set image background automatically, don't know how proceed download. with file_get_contents() , , mix of preg_match() can image want. <?php $data = file_get_contents(""); $images = preg_match("#(<img src=\")(.*?)(\".+>)#is", $data, $matches); $imageoftheday = null; if(sizeof($matches) > 2){ $imageoftheday = "

Can I get an idToken from an auth0 rule? -

is there way can access idtoken have been generated on user creation in auth0 rules context? i'd sync user registrations backend system , need idtoken auth0 signup have generated. way can http post data in rules trigger. no, because id token generated when rules finish executing. reason further rules might deny user authenticating or modify profile before actual token gets generated. the proper way define backend resource server on auth0, , use client credentials rule: . another alternative call auth0 management api fetch user information backend when necessary.

c# - MVC 5 Edit Action Saving Input Error -

when i'm editing "salesmember" , i'm trying save new file path / or old file path, based on user input, should either overwrite image, or use previous image stored in db. but, when try modify entity state, before save changes in sql server, error: an exception of type 'system.invalidoperationexception' occured in entityframework.dll not handled in user code. additional information: attaching entity of type 'salesmember' failed because entity of same type has same primary key value. can happen when using 'attach' method or setting state of entity 'unchanged' or 'modified' if entities in graph have conflicting key values. may because entities new , have not yet received database-generated key values. in case use 'add' method or 'added' entity state track graph , set state of non-new entities 'unchanged' or 'modified' appropriate. i'm modifying salesmember primary key. which, saves

angularjs - How to remove hash from url angular app? -

it may duplicate question. have tried many solutions,no answer work me. using ui-router angular web app. using apache2 server serve angular app. using ubuntu. project code inside of folder \var\www\html\myapp here myapp application folder. have tried following 1 adding <base href="/myapp/"> head tag 2 adding $locationprovider.html5mode(true); or $locationprovider.html5mode({ enabled: true, requirebase: false}); (tried both separately) 3 adding .htaccess file following content options +followsymlinks <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_uri} !index rewriterule (.*) index.html [l] </ifmodule> and other content .htaccess file got google serve path. have tried putting .htaccess file inside \var\www\html\ \var\www\html\myapp. remove hash url, when clicked refresh ,it show not found . can please me. try in .h

Python: How to total of the scores for all the tweets in a region divided by the number of tweets (Lots of info provided,) -

i have 2 files, 1 containing on 200 tweets, , containing key words , values. typical tweet looks like: [41.923916200000001, -88.777469199999999] 6 2011-08-28 19:24:18 life moviee. and keywords love,10 like,5 best,10 hate,1 with 2 numbers @ beginning of tweet, use determine region tweet made in (shown below in code). & each individual tweet (each line in file), depending on number of keywords in tweet, add them, divided total of values associated them (per tweet) gives me score. question is, how able total scores tweets in region , divide number of tweets in region? below, put happynesstweetscore, how calculated score individual tweets in file (each line) contain keywords. part, i'm not sure how add values depending on region, , divide them depending on number of tweets in region ? should add them list depending on region add?? don't know. divided tweets 4 regions (latitude, long) using these values (rectangle) way @ bottom of code: p1 = (49.189787, -67.444574)

simplexml - Reading Xml Nodes with PHP -

this question has answer here: how parse , process html/xml in php? 27 answers i have problem php. cannot read xml php, , simplexml. how can do. my xml files below. want companylist. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <soap:header> <wsa:action>http://www.temp/response</wsa:action> <wsa:messageid>urn:uuid:eac190a5-c833-4dee

java - How to save bitmap to internal storage android with an AsyncTask -

i've been writing app android user in 1 activity can choose image browser. when image's picked it's saved internal storage in order read fragment/layout. saving of bitmap takes plenty of time did in first place put method responsible saving files simple thread like: new thread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { mfilemanager.saveimage(bitmap, getapplicationcontext()); } }).start(); because of that, when task working in background on thread user navigate through layouts. anyway.. main assumptions of app let user add filters image. in order user has obtain image storage. want put progress bar while saving's not finished. i've 2 classes. piece of first one: @override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) { super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data); if (requestcode == request_image_capture && resu

html - Huge white gap in header when slimming page to mobile view -

if go page ( ) in mobile or tablet view logo has loads of white space on top of it. there way remove white space shows logo nicely? i have attached image explain better mean. thanks, chris you should learn use inspect element in chrome. if do, can use pointer select element , track down padding. you can see if make first 2 values of padding , margin 0 dissappear.

sql - Can I have multiple relationship between 2 entities? -

i facing problem during er diagram . have come situation need show multiple relations between 2 entities, need show relation between attribute , entity... know illegal . can somehow achieve ? you have create new parent table both entity (parent , child entity). new entity_table --> relation - relation attributte of entity too new entity_table --> attribute

javascript - Understanding npm package @-prefix: @angular/router -

in angular component router documentation stumbled on npm command have never seen before , don't understand going on: npm install @angular/router --save what meaning of @angular/router ? is whole string package name? dont find package when use search on . , commandline search return no such package: npm search @angular/router :no match found "@angular/router" so @angular/ kind of prefix mechanism in npm? , how work? this new feature of npm called 'scoped packages'. allow npm packages namespaced - package starts @angular/ grouped @angular folder in node_modules . the reason scoped packages don't show in public search because lot of them private packages created organizations using npm's paid services, , they're not comfortable opening search until can totally they're not goi

node.js - Using Node Module in Angular 2 -

i learning angular 2 , trying build mobile app using ionic 2 rc0 uses angular 2 , typescript. trying use node module woocommerce-api in app getting errors. i installed module using npm. npm install --save woocommerce-api then in .ts file, trying import this, import * wc '../../../node_modules/woocommerce-api' although vs code not display errors still cannot use in methods , constructor. don't mind not getting intellisense want make module work. any highly appreciated. in advance. ps: there no typings available this module. net node.js module not avalible in browser, , cannot found reason. if take @ repo simple wrapper . it best create new service in angular , call api directly angulars http.

excel - Preserve line breaks when inserting/pasting from cell to word -

i have following code dim cant integer dim tex string dim max integer dim total integer dim final integer final = 1 cant = 1 max = 200 ' amount of character go have divide, visual basic allows 250. in case 200 description = range("e1").value 'sheets("programas").cells(1, 1).value. have string > 250 caracters, divides in cant = 200. total = len(description) ' have total characters of string. while total > (cant) * max msgbox total ' "while" divides string in "cant = 200", example 1200 characters, "while" divides string in 6 parts. wdfind .clearformatting .matchcase = false .matchwholeword = false .text = "here" ' shearch [1] , replace "cant = 200" tex = mid(description, final, max) ' content "cant = 200" characters, actual .replacement.text = tex & "here" ' replace &quo

c# - Entity Framework does not recognize many to many relationship with custom join table -

i've got 3 tables/entities public class test { public int id {get; set;} public virtual icollection<testquestion> testquestions { get; set;} public virutal icollection<question> questions {get; set;} } public class question { public int id {get; set;} public virtual icollection<testquestion> testquestions { get; set;} public virutal icollection<test> test {get; set;} } public class testquestion { public int id {get; set;} public int testid { get; set; } public virtual test test { get; set; } public int questionid { get; set; } public virtual question question { get; set; } public int order { get; set; } } and context containing dbset set each of them. entity framework not recognize testquestion join table. modelbuilder.entity<question>() .hasmany(x => x.tests) .withmany(y => y.questions); i have tried doing configuration using map ef tries create new table

python - In BeautifulSoup, Ignore Children Elements While Getting Parent Element Data -

i have html follows: <html> <div class="maindiv"> text data here <br> continued text data <br> <div class="somename"> text & data want omit </div> </div> </html> i trying the text found in maindiv element, without getting text data found in somename element. in cases, in experience anyway, text data contained within child element. have ran particular case data seems contained will-nilly , bit harder filter. my approach follows: textdata= soup.find('div', class_='maindiv').get_text() this gets text data found within maindiv element, text data found in somename div element. the logic i'd use more along lines of: textdata = soup.find('div', class_='maindiv').get_text(recursive=false) omit text data found within somename element. i know recursive=false argument works locating parent-level el

inheritance - TypeScript: assign implemented class to variable typed as base class -

i want create base class other classes implement and/or extend. derived classes doing because share identical functionality, have own spin on piece of it. abstract class human { constructor(protected _name:string) { } protected identify():string { return this._name; } abstract dotrick():void; } class boy extends human { private jump():void { console.log("jumping"); } private dotrick():void { this.jump(); } } this works fine. boy can created , he'll name based on human says when identify() happens. problem hits here: var person:human = new boy("bob"); i want because have variety of human derived classes , don't want have var person:boy|girl|man|child|dinosaur|whatever . problem doing causes error ts2322: type 'boy' not assignable type 'human' . i feel should able type person human though i'm assigning derived boy class it, since boy class implementati

JavaScript ternary if x && y else -

$scope.input.opening_hours = place.opening_hours && place.opening_hours.weekday_text ? place.opening_hours.weekday_text : ''; uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'weekday_text' of undefined(…) if ( place.opening_hours && place.opening_hours.weekday_text ) { $scope.input.opening_hours = place.opening_hours.weekday_text; } else { $scope.input.opening_hours = ''; } i trying make ternary version of if statement error above. whats best way simplify simpler statement. as tell in comments, need add parenthesis: $scope.input.opening_hours = (place.opening_hours && place.opening_hours.weekday_text) ? place.opening_hours.weekday_text : ''; and can improve: $scope.input.opening_hours = ((place.opening_hours && place.opening_hours.weekday_text) ? place.opening_hours.weekday_text : ''); the latter ensures inner parenthesis executed before all. it's maths, inner parenthesis need

vba - edit Value in Collection - variable Function ...(?) -

i need help. want change class value within collection, change “variable”. cadmin = xy ccheckdate=yz cpruefstate= abc colsomename.add classname, key1 i save collection (colsomename). on form, on event raised searched key in collection , current value changed. in class set values (for example) sub checkout() .. editincollection colsomename, „stackover“ . . . public function editincollection( _ byref col collection, _ byref elem string) boolean on error goto ende if isempty(col(elem)) msgbox " element: " & col(elem) & „ not exits!", _ vbcritical = vbokonly, "s o r r y " exit function end if`enter code here` isincollection = (err.number = 0) ' col(elem).cadmin =environ("username") col(elem).ccheckdate = date col(elem).cpruefstate= true ' exit function ende: isincollection = f

performance - In Swift is there a difference between the rotation in these two scenarios -

example 1: let halfpie = double.pi / 2 var piecount: int = 0 let rotationnum = (piecount % 4) + 1 let angle = halfpie * double(rotationnum) uiview.animate(withduration: 1, animations: { [weak self] in self?.containerview.transform = cgaffinetransform(rotationangle: cgfloat(angle)) }) { [weak self] _ in self?.piecount += 1 } example 2: let halfpie = 1.5707963267949 var piecount: int = 1 let angle = halfpie * double(piecount) uiview.animate(withduration: 1, animations: { [weak self] in self?.containerview.transform = cgaffinetransform(rotationangle: cgfloat(angle)) }) { [weak self] _ in self?.piecount += 1 } the difference between 2 second continues increase, , first keeps number max @ pie * 2. there reason impliment 1 way on other? both seem same thing. p

scala - Spark SQL DataFrame transformation involving partitioning and lagging -

i want transform spark sql dataframe this: animal value ------------ cat 8 cat 5 cat 6 dog 2 dog 4 dog 3 rat 7 rat 4 rat 9 into dataframe this: animal value previous-value ----------------------------- cat 8 0 cat 5 8 cat 6 5 dog 2 0 dog 4 2 dog 3 4 rat 7 0 rat 4 7 rat 9 4 i sort of want partition animal , , then, each animal , previous-value lags 1 row behind value (with default value of 0 ), , put partitions again. this can accomplished using window function . import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.window import sqlcontext.implicits._ val df = sc.parallelize(seq(("cat", 8, "01:00"),("cat", 5, "02:00"),("cat", 6, "03:00"),("dog&quo

math - PHP round number to 6 decimal places -

i need return result of (1 / n!) * (1! + 2! + 3! + ... + n!), n>=1. codewars challenge! code below returns 1.146652 n = 8, correct result 1.1466510000000001 or 1.146651. how can truncate number correctly? function factorial($val){ $factor = 1; for($i=1;$i<=$val;$i++){ $factor *= $i; } return $factor; } function going($n) { $val = 1/factorial($n); $somatorio = 0; for($i=1;$i<=$n;$i++){ $somatorio += factorial($i); } return round($val * $somatorio,6); }

Laravel returning a leading \n character on responses -

every response laravel application seems getting prepend \n character, when return number. it feels have have introduced bug, can't find anywhere might have done that. see have other applications i've built in laravel have (but others don't) after pulling hair out thought i'd check , see if others have experienced. the issue i'm trying return id , use has leading character. strip client side, rather fix root issue. eta: route: route::get('/test', function(){ return 'hello world'; }); produces response: it's not issue html of course, when try assign id, i'm getting "\n 234". if you're using laravel api, recommend using json response function: return response()->json([ 'id' => 234 ]); this should alleviate leading line-break issue. as why you're experiencing currently, might have request headers. in past, i've had add 'accept' => 'application/json'

sql - Login Prompt when refreshing access data connection from Excel -

i have user gets prompt when opening 1 of file (no 1 else it). the file has connection access table using sql command. the connection string gets updated automatically when opening file match local adress of accdb file. the connection string following: dsn=ms access database;dbq=c:\users\t73648\google drive\computer\documents\opex\dmc mbo\final files\dmcmbotable.accdb;defaultdir=c:\users\t73648\google drive\computer\documents\opex\dmc mbo\final files;driverid=25;fil=ms access;maxbuffersize=2048;pagetimeout=5; the command in following: select * gareagpl gareagpl (gareagpl.gpl='test') it not generate problems other users. the pop looks that: obviously there no password can provide db unlock. thanks helping me out on one

xml - How to fix encoding errors programmatically in XSLT -

i trying batch process thousands of xml files command line, getting various error messages relating invalid characters. so far, have been able fix in 2 different ways: opening offending file in notepad , going save > utf-8 adding encoding xml declaration (for reason iso-8859-1 works) i puzzled why getting these error messages. can see no mention of encoding in original xml or dtd, xml not claiming it's not. given number of files processed, finding labourious fix each file individually. wondering if there way fix programmatically, example in xslt stylesheet? the error message is: error on line 80 column 128 of 12345.dxl: sxxp0003: error reported xml parser: invalid byte 1 of 1-byte utf-8 sequence. column 128 line 80 seems correspond missing single curly quote: ("this governments local services realignment exercise"). i tried adding character map xslt, still same error: <xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes"

java - Reading a JMS Map Message in WSO2 -

i reading jms map messages wso2 esb. able pick message up, read headers, cannot read in body of message. have created custom mediator, when try following , submit jms message msg_format property in header, works fine. when put property in map body, wso2 doesn't pick up. code below works read header, not read map body public boolean mediate(messagecontext context) { string msgformat = context.getproperty(msg_format).tostring(); any thoughts? based on explanation seems trying read message in custom mediator when consume jms queue. in order read message, can use following code in mediate method : public boolean mediate(messagecontext context) { string msgformat = context.getproperty(msg_format).tostring(); soapenvelope envelope = synctx.getenvelope() .... refer :

Websphere 6.1 to 8.5 how to update ibm-web-bnd.xmi to ibm-web-bnd.xml Remote EJB -

in websphere 6 ibm-web-bnd.xmi file have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="""webappbnd.xmi" xmi:id="webappbinding" virtualhostname="default_host"> <webapp href="web-inf/web.xml#abcwebid"/> <ejbrefbindings xmi:id="abcejbbinding" jndiname="ejb/abc"> <bindingejbref href="web-inf/web.xml#abcprocessejbid"/> </ejbrefbindings> </> so in websphere 8.5 ibm-web-bnd.xml have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <web-bnd xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schem