
Showing posts from February, 2014

JMeter: For Each controller: Reading data from csv files/response and passing it to request -

i have csv file following contents: qty 1 2 3 4 5 6 the qty passed parameter request "a". , qty response of request "a" passed "b". i want read content of csv file using code. tried implement following code: bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(newfilereader("/path/to/your/file.csv")); string line; int counter = 1; while ((line = br.readline()) != null) { vars.put("var_" + counter, line); counter++; } br.close(); but gave me below error : response message: org.apache.jorphan.util.jmeterexception: error invoking bsh method: eval. sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new filereader("c:/jmeter test data/p_qty . . . '' : typed variable declaration : object constructor i want execute request "b" using each loop,where loop pick qty values. or how shall store response of "qty" field in array , access array elements through "foreach" co

hashcode - HashManager dict. help modify .ini file config from hash format to email:hash? -

its hashmanager can me change .ini file configuration simple ''hash'' accept email:hashmd5 email:hash this .ini file: thank you

python 3.x - how can I use a variable from a class in another file? -

i have 2 scripts, 1 holds log file creation , script holds email configuration. need pass variable log file creation script send email script, have imported log file send email script from logfile import logfilet : log code: import configparser configparser import rawconfigparser import codecs import unittest import time import sys import logging config = configparser.rawconfigparser() configfilepath = 'c:\\python\\pi_webuitesting\\envconfig.cfg' class logfilet: def log_file(log_name): timestr = time.strftime("%y%m%d-%h%m%s") timestemp = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %y %h:%m:%s") logfilename = config.get('envconfig', 'logfile_path') + timestr + log_name logging.basicconfig(filename=logfilename, filemode='w',format= timestemp + '--%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.debug) sendemail code: import configparser configparser import rawconfigparser impo

android - Is there a way to force gif loaded with Glide to be non-animated -

i have set of images, loaded via glide. the nsfw ones blurred using glide (wasabeef) bitmap transformation, can animated gifs, in case first frame shown blurred, , animation starts looping (unblurred). the following have tried , not work: drawabletyperequest<string> builder = glide.with(mimage.getcontext()).load(...); if (entry.isnsfw()) { builder.asbitmap(); } builder.diskcachestrategy(diskcachestrategy.source) //it's none of relevant .skipmemorycache(true) .override(props.getwidth(), props.getheight()); if (entry.isnsfw()) { //successfully blurs nsfw images, still allows unblurred animation builder.dontanimate().bitmaptransform(centrecrop, blur); } else { builder.centercrop(); } builder.crossfade(500) //moving crossfade sfw posts has no effect .into(mimage); also not working intercepting load: builder.listener(new requestlistener<string, glidedrawable>() { @override public boolean onexception(exception e, string

android - Why the Content provider starting first instead of Launcher activity? -

i working on project , when debugging code, found custom content provider starting first instead of application class or starting activity. have checked code not calling provider in starting activity or application class. confused, why doing this, or missing something, attaching debug trace image. if have idea please me. thanks your registered contentproviders , along application singleton, created when process starts up, no matter causing process start up. so, if user tapped on home screen launcher icon, providers , application created first, activity created. iow, seeing normal.

html - Trying to automate Tor to do something on a site and change identity each time. Need some guidance -

i need automating tor on site (in case, check on poll) , restart tor new identity. have never done remotely close this. know html, css , js well. now, sum up, want make loop repeatedly accesses site on tor, checks on site , restarts tor new identity. if give me guidance , tell me can use, appreciated. have time , patience learn, works really. here examples using php , python 3 accomplish want. they're simple starting points making requests on tor , changing identity on demand. the php example uses torutils communicate controller , wrap curl through tor. the python example uses stem communicate controller , requests sending requests on tor's socks proxy. the examples assume have tor working , socksport set 9050, , controlport set 9051 cookie authentication working, or controller password of password . php set up install composer install torutils package (you can download zipball , extract) once composer working, run composer require dapphp/t

c++ - Steps for creating an optimizer on TensorFlow -

i'm trying implement new optimizer consist in big part of gradient descent method (which means want perform few gradient descent steps, different operations on output , again). unfortunately, found 2 pieces of information; you can't perform given amount of steps optimizers. wrong that? because seem logical option add. given 1 true, need code optimizer using c++ kernel , losing powerful possibilities of tensorflow (like computing gradients). if both of them true 2 makes no sense me, , i'm trying figure out what's correct way build new optimizer (the algorithm , else crystal clear). thanks lot i not 100% sure that, think right. don't see benefits of adding such option tensorflow. optimizers based on gd know work this: for in num_of_epochs: g = gradient_of_loss() some_storage = f(previous_storage, func(g)) params = func2(previous_params, some_storage) if need perform couple of optimization steps, can in loop: train_op = optimiz

Python 2 raw_input to list type -

i used input() in program, convert input list type, read should use raw_input() instead. i'm trying let user input vectors in form (4,4),(2,5),(1,6) using input() worked. i used: vectors = list(input('enter vectors\n')) after changing raw_input() list elements in str '(' '4' ',' '4' ')' ',' '(' '2' ',' '5' ')' ',' '(' '1' ',' '6' ')' how can input converted list if used input()? should go using input() instead? assuming input data in form 1,2 work: vectors = [] print ('enter vectors') while true: = raw_input('') if == 'q': break else: vectors.append(tuple(int(c) c in a.split(','))) print vectors

javascript - Data Objects & classes -

hi wondering need create multiple data object variables on lots of different javascript file throughout project have same keys. these object used data source package have use. example { v1: 0, v2: 0, v3: 0. } i thinking of using javascript classes dont know if correct way so. like var = new ivar(); so created class class outputdata { constructor(){ this.o0 = 0; this.o1 = 0; this.o2 = 0; this.o3 = 0; this.o4 = 0; this.o5 = 0; this.o6 = 0; this.o7 = 0; this.o8 = 0; this.o9 = 0; this.o10 = 0; this.o11 = 0; this.o12 = 0; } } i imported file wanted use on lie so. import '../outputdataclass.js'; var openingdeb = new outputdata(); but uncaught referenceerror: outputdata not defined(…) not sure why. reason wanted objects initialized data can use loop later on iterate trough object call function set correct values using key , reactive t

android - Animation while going from a fragment to an activity -

i have text view in fragment when click on text view activity called takes me away new layout doubt is. possible animation while going fragment layout activity layout. here fragment : using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using;` using android.content; using android.os; using android.runtime; using android.util; using android.views; using android.widget; namespace tabbedapp { public class icontextcallfragment : { public override void oncreate (bundle savedinstancestate) { base.oncreate (savedinstancestate); } public override view oncreateview (layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { // use return custom view fragment view view =inflater.inflate(resource.layout.icontxtcalllayout, container, false); var textview = view.findviewbyid<textview>(res

java - jNetPcap acknowledgement value -

im trying retrieve ack tcp 1 wireshark returns. in wireshark returns ack of 1 or 647. when i'm trying ack packet returns long number nothing similar ack wireshark returns. i these acks: 1918004163 3350411129 3083820792 1730247758 3668869711 4218577993 this code: if (packet.hasheader(tcp) && packet.hasheader(ip)) { long tcpack = packet.getheader(tcp).ack(); string name = packet.getheader(tcp).getname(); int urgent = packet.getheader(tcp).urgent(); int windowscaled = packet.getheader(tcp).windowscaled(); int window = packet.getheader(tcp).window(); int wirelen = packet.getcaptureheader().wirelen(); // system.out.println("wirelen: "+wirelen); int caplen = packet.getcaptureheader().caplen(); // system.out.println("caplen: "+caplen);

database - Postgresql: ERROR: cannot cast type <custom_enumeration> to <custom_enumeration2> -

i have 2 types declared in postgresql database. change order of enumeration, doesn't allow me. in case create new enumeration type , try change type of column error: error: cannot cast type "<custom_enumeration>" <custom_enumeration2> . the command alter column is: alter table public.funky alter column bajinga type <custom_enumeration2> using (bajinga::<custom_enumeration2>); which best practice match types? posgresql v9.6

javascript - Kendo UI treelist and angular - how to determine if it's fully loaded? -

in html, have: <kendo-treelist k-auto-bind="true" k-data-source="datasourceassignment" k-columns="assignmentcols" k-rebind="assignmentcols"> </kendo-treelist> in js file, connecting data source by: $scope.datasourceassignment = new{ transport: { read: function (options) { //code here }, schema: { model: { id: "id", fields: { //fields here }, expanded: true } } }); is there way determine if tree has loaded (i.e. 'no more hourglass spinning')? i want call function stop 'loading....' ui then. there appears ondatabound event. try adding attribute of tag. <kendo-treelist k-auto-bind="true" k-data-source="datasourceassignment" k-data-bound="databoundhandler" k-columns="assignmentco

How to insert 01-JAN-13 12.00.00 AM in SQL Server 2012? -

i using following query insert employee (first_name, last_name, salary, joining_date, department) values ('john', 'abraham', '1000000', cast('2013-01-13 12:00:00.000' datetime), 'banking') finally used cast temporary work. need insert format. just use unseparated format : (this assumes joining_date of type date or datetime) insert employee (first_name,last_name,salary,joining_date,department) values ('john','abraham','1000000', '20130113 12:00:00','banking') edit: corrected link @ :

Python - Detect a starting process -

i want detect starting process on windows using python. for example: whenever user starts notepad.exe want run functions in python.. script should wait process starts. can gather starting processes using python? maybe 'os' or 'psutil' module? hope understand mean.. free ask me more information. you can kind of hack polling windows system command, tasklist : import time import subprocess while true: p =['tasklist'], stdout = subprocess.pipe) if b'notepad.exe' in p.stdout: print('found!') break print('not yet...') time.sleep(1) i'm not aware of way of interrupting startup of process in order run before other process starts.

jquery - Add replace the class of a div upon some conditions with Javascript -

i trying replace class of div javascript. have looked @ posts did not seem (e.g. change element's class javascript ). have straightforward innerhtml document.getelementbyid("colored-title").innerhtml = "add comments"; html straightforward , works when there no condition on class <div id="colored-title"></div> i tried many options (i listed them below) none of them seems work. if (array[current][5] == 4) { document.getelementbyid("colored-title").addclass("green-text"); document.getelementbyid("colored-title").classname= "green-text"; document.getelementbyid("colored-title").classname+= "green-text"; document.getelementbyid("colored-title").setattribute=("class","green-text"); } else { // other format } document.getelementbyid("colored-title").innerhtml = "add comments"; you can add classn

css - Mobile menu scrollbar on ios not visible -

i have problem scrollbar in drop down menu in ios. i stay visible when open menu, works on android , not in ios. code have used ::-webkit-scrollbar { -webkit-appearance: none; width: 2px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 4px; background-color: #e2bc69; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.5); opacity: 0.5; } on caniuse these properties available on ios (tested on ios 9 , 10). know how fix issue? you try overflow:visible; html code or fiddle can helpful question not clear

sitecore8.1 - Disable 'Insert Javascript' link for General Link Field in sitecore -

is possible disable "insert javascript"(or other type) link comes default "general link" or "general link search" in content editor page editor? we on sietcore 8.1 update 3. go sitecore core database , remove item: /sitecore/system/field types/link types/general link/menu/javascript

Android WebViewClient onPageStarted attach javascript listener or preprocess html -

i looking implement behavior in android mirror ios , windows based product. put need attach javascript listener custom event fire android java function. listener must attached before script tags in head element of html document processed. (an event fired in scripts statically provided via document in head element need listen for) an example html page: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script> // // fire custom event message var message = 'ice cream tornado'; var event = new customevent('messagetoandroid', {'detail': json.stringify(message)}); window.dispatchevent(event); </script> </head> <body> <p>lets pretend login page</p> </body> </html> so above intention send message: 'ice cream tornado' custom javascript event 'messagetoandroid' is there way add header element following javascript be

visual studio 2015 c++ editor broken, solution? -

after install in vs2015 (intel mkl library vs integration) c/c++ editor fails show except tab on top. no window, no text, nothing. dug bit deeper: .txt file displays fine, .cs well. when set in options filetype .txt needs editing in c/c++ editor, .txt stopped displaying too. have compared every option in tools->options, including environment options, normal working rig, found nothing. resetting default options did not help, nor did changing color scheme. removed intel directory common7/ide/extensions, no improvement. not know more secrets kept, tried registry search, found no clues. appears match, dll language specialization in vxpackages. anyone, before try repair installation? in advance, jan edit: got editor on track disabling productivity power tools 2015. took me half day. connection intel install doubtful!

html - Form Post with Data for Multiple Tables -

i have html page used updating data on car has multiple tables represented in 1 form. want dynamically update tables input elements providing value identifies table data belongs too. <input type="text" class="form-control" id="enginetype" name="enginetype" value="v8"> using above example post allow me identify input being associated engine table without having split id or name in server code. have in past used id or name field colon separating pieces of information i.e. id="enginetype:engine" splitting @ colon. in html5 there better way of passing data? instance looking hint attribute did not not find available.

javascript - Change CKEditor Keystrokes at runtime -

i want change keystrokes config of ckeditor @ runtime. my goal: ctr + enter should submit form. unfortunately can't configure ckeditor via js-configuration, since use django-ckeditor (related issue #322 ) i tried this: $(function() { ckeditor.on( 'instanceready', function( evt ) { for(x in ckeditor.instances){ var instance = ckeditor.instances[x]; instance.config.keystrokes.push([ ctrl + 13 /* enter */, 'save' ]); }; }) }) ... get: typeerror: instance.config.keystrokes undefined how can modify configuration of ckeditor make ctrl+enter submit form? you can use ckeditor.editor.setkeystroke (note small 's' in 'save'): ckeditor.on('instanceready', function(evt) { evt.editor.setkeystroke(ckeditor.ctrl + 13, 'save'); })

javascript - Spring mvc loading JS with Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < -

i'm using spring boot. have structure simple test app: what in testcontroller 2 path variables , load index.html: @controller public class testcontroller { @requestmapping("/{vara}/{varb}") public string index(@pathvariable(value="vara") string vara, @pathvariable(value="varb") string varb) { return"/index.html"; } } and index.html empty, clean html page: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>insert title here</title> </head> <body> test </body> </html> so typing localhost:8080/abbas/mirza in browser , looks ok , html page loads easily. have 2 js files, test.js , /js/testb.js both have line of code inside. var s = {}; now add <script src="/test.js"></script> and still ok , can view test.js code, when add <script src="/js/testb.js"></script> the page throws exception uncaught syntaxerror: une

Revoking an expired certificate -

is revoking expired certificate approach? an expired certificate considered invalid certificate, possible revoke it. since possible revoke it, should valid approach ca. doesn't ca consider if revoked or not , how affect way certificate used. it bad idea. no ca this an expired certificate rejected in general. digital-signature signature verified invalid using expired certificate. browsers reject ssl connections sites expired certificates. there no need of additional validation in fact, cause inconsistency existent signatures. preserve signatures along certificate expiration time, protected timestamp. when certificate of timestamp close expire, additional timestamp can issued. long term signature format ades embed revocation evidences of used certificates. revoking expired certificate means signatures valid, status of certificate @ ca not valid. has no sense. from point of view of ca, waste of resources. think in 20 years old ca millions of expired certificat

.net - How to populate a WPF grid based on a 2-dimensional array -

i have 2-dimensional array of objects , want databind each 1 cell in wpf grid. have working doing of procedurally. create correct number of row , column definitions, loop through cells , create controls , set correct bindings each one. at minimum able use template specify controls , bindings in xaml. ideally rid of procedural code , databinding, i'm not sure that's possible. here code using: public void bindgrid() { m_grid.children.clear(); m_grid.columndefinitions.clear(); m_grid.rowdefinitions.clear(); (int x = 0; x < mefgrid.width; x++) { m_grid.columndefinitions.add(new columndefinition() { width = new gridlength(1,, }); } (int y = 0; y < mefgrid.height; y++) { m_grid.rowdefinitions.add(new rowdefinition() { height = new gridlength(1,, }); } (int x = 0; x < mefgrid.width; x++) { (int y = 0; y < mefgrid.height; y++) { cell

postgresql - Need to filter my sql results for the last 4 days -

i need filter return last 4 days current date. struggle has been in using dateadd() , now() functions because keep keeping getting errors. advice? as of sql statement: select count(*) count, date(created_at) created_at account group date(created_at) order created_at asc the output this: "result": [ { "count": "1", "created_at": "2016-11-12t06:00:00.000z" }, { "count": "2", "created_at": "2016-11-13t06:00:00.000z" }, { "count": "1", "created_at": "2016-11-14t06:00:00.000z" }, { "count": "2", "created_at": "2016-11-15t06:00:00.000z" } ], edit: using postgres , think changes kind of functions can use identify date. you want simple where clause. assuming have no future dates: select count(*) count, date(created_at)

excel vba - Repeat Labels in Pivot Tables (VBA) -

currently, working on code iterates through 3 sheets of data identical in formatting , creates 3 pivot tables (one each sheet) has identical format. want toggle repeat labels format on within vba code, cannot seem it. following link 1 found have tried, no success: i paste code, rather long. gist of tried putting: for each pfield in ptable if pfield.orientation = xlrowfield pfield.repeatlabels = true next pfield within loop creates 3 pivot tables. however, throws error 438. i did further research , found ( ), not sure how use it.

workflow - Servicenow onSubmit Client Script -

i'm working in servicenow , have custom form gives user choice on whether want change address or name. depending on choose, hoping direct them change address or change name forms, kick off appropriate workflow. my initial thought on how accomplish write onsubmit client script on form can make choice, direct them appropriate sub-form. right approach? if so, script like? thanks! i use wizard handle branching. panel 1: want update address? yes/no > panel 2 / 3 have forms specific fields. really, easier have them go self service > manage profile , update information directly wouldn't it? you have reveal address fields , modify acls let user update own name. work flow tied sys_user table such changes have approved if want have level of quality control..

c# - 1 button Insert and Update 2 tables -

i have page button want submit data sql database. i'm trying run insert command on 1 table , update command in table. keep getting error: incorrect syntax near ','. line 242: cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@clc", clc); line 243: cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@rmkc", rmkc); line 244: cmd2.executenonquery(); line 245: } line 246: i can't seem see why there's issue. maybe there's better way this? string conn = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["conn"].connectionstring; using (sqlconnection sqlcon = new sqlconnection(conn)) {; using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand()) { cmd.commandtext = "insert tblhistory4 ([tanknum],[hft],[hin]) select @tanknum,@hft,@hin"; cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@tanknum", tanknum); cmd

javascript - Redux & React-router : Provider bug -

i'm starting new app using reactjs. web env quite new me. anyway, created simple app, using react-router. works :). i tried add redux, , ... fail. have no idea how use react-redux , react-router. here's input js : index.js class app extends react.component{ render(){ return( <div> {routes} </div> ); } } reactdom.render( <provider store={store}> <app /> </provider>, document.getelementbyid('app') ); here's route.js export default ( <router history={hashhistory}> <route path='/' component={main}> <indexroute component={home} /> <route path='playerone' header="playerone" component={promptcontainer} /> <route path='playertwo/:playerone' header="playertwo" component={promptcontainer} /> <route path='battle' component={confirmbattlecontainer} /> <route path='re

webserver - Nginx tries to proxy pass to upstream name -

hello have following quite simple configuration load balancer/fail over: upstream backend_stream { server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s backup; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; # ssl stuff proxy_ignore_client_abort on; proxy_connect_timeout 3s; proxy_read_timeout 5s; proxy_send_timeout 5s; send_timeout 20s; proxy_next_upstream_timeout 60s; proxy_next_upstream_tries 0; proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 non_idempotent; proxy_pass http://backend_stream; access_log /path/to/access.log vhosts_extra; error_log /path/to/error.log; } and following access log format: log_format vhosts_extra '$host:$server_port $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" [$upstream_addr

ios - How to populate table view with large data -

i'm trying populate table view large data. however, tableview can display 20 string objects. how display rest of data , update table view each time user scrolls end? var people = [people]() let configuresession = urlsessionconfiguration.default let session = urlsession(configuration: configure) //setup api key... let apikey = " key here...)" if error != nil{ print("error: \(error?.localizeddescription)") return } else if let jsondata = data { do{ let parsedjson = try jsonserialization.jsonobject(with: jsondata, options: []) as! [string: anyobject] guard let results = parsedjson["results"] as? [[string: anyobject]] else {return} result in results{ let name = myclass() name.firstname = result["first_name"] as! str

How do you create a NuGet package from a .NET Core MSBuild project in Visual Studio 2017 RC? -

now have official migration project.json .csproj , how generate nuget package output? i don't know if it's me find hard understand official documentation pages . mention calling msbuild command line, it's not working me, , besides more hoping specify step directly in .csproj file itself. a complete example of how using .csproj files appreciated. update: got msbuild output package running command line. trick fill in propertygroup package metadata described in doc pages. however, still prefer run pack part of normal build process. update: found better resource understanding new .csproj format in .net blog page . i'm packing .net core nuget package msbuild in visual studio 2017 rc using following steps: install visual studio 2017 .net core , docker (preview) component. create following package information through new -> project -> c# -> .net core -> console app (.net core) . right-click .net core project choose edit proje

php - laravel 5.2 Auth:attemp always returns false -

i facing issue auth:attempt method returning me false value. my db entries are: username: admin password: $2y$10$jxkny3wc2wqu0jmaqofdiogdnbv89uyvjpcnsu8xonmo3w9rjt53s note: stored password manually after echoing output of hash::make('admin'). the code authentication is: // create our user data authentication $userdata = array( 'username' => input::get('username'), 'password' => input::get('password'), 'agencyactive' => 1 ); if (auth::attempt($userdata)) { echo 'success!';exit; } else { echo "<br>login error";exit; } it prints "login error". for troubleshooting logged sql query, retrieves proper record, select * `agencies` `username` = 'admin' , `agencyactive` = 1 limit 1 surprisingly, when verified comparison below, prints matches if (\hash::check('admin', '$2y$10$jxkny3wc2wqu0jmaqofdiogdnbv89uyvjpcnsu8xonmo3w9rjt53s'

angular - Error when bootstrapping multiple angular2 modules -

we beginning convert our current application angular2 update parts of application. attempting replace parts of app angular2 modules/components. first part creating 2 different search components , placing them in different views in mvc. not start scratch , build entire angular2 app problem. have been able create 2 separate modules , place components on different pages , render , work properly, however, generate error below: core.umd.js:3370 exception: error in http://localhost:25219/angular2/app/member-search/member-search.component.js class membersearchcomponent_host - inline template:0:0 caused by: selector "member-search-component" did not match elements main.ts import { platformbrowserdynamic } '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { membersearchmodule } './member-search/member-search.module'; import { providersearchmodule } './provider-search/provider-search.module'; const platform = platformbrowserdynamic();

java - How to get Created At Date from Cloudboost Database -

or of the date objects matter. i doing documentation states: date date = obj.getcreatedat(); but class exception error: java.lang.classcastexception java.lang.string cannot cast i able string so: string date = obj.getstring("createdat"); i need date. appreciated.

ios - Archive fails on Xcode 8 -

i trying archive swift 2.3 app on xcode 8 builds , runs without problem. keep getting error: "/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign 55c4d289b0a1e306af3e751d33043601b9e6ef39 --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements /users/ataracohen/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/isrmobileclient-flujdkuywzqyekdifrxmbjnffroj/build/intermediates/archiveintermediates/isr mobileclient/installationbuildproductslocation/applications/ /users/ataracohen/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/isrmobileclient-flujdkuywzqyekdifrxmbjnffroj/build/intermediates/archiveintermediates/isr: no such file or directory" i think problem because name of actual folder under archiveintermediates 'isr mobileclient' , not isr. because of white space between 2 words (a mistake want correct..) think there's problem. not sure issue can't finish archive operation. how can archive process "know" name of folder "isr mobileclient"

dependency injection - Angular 2 singleton service not acting as singleton -

so i've got service called targetservice im injecting various other components. targetservice has property called targets collection of target objects. my problem want collection persist after routing view. routes working fine, route changes, service loses content of variables, essentially, re-initializing service. understanding these injected services singletons can passed around? in following example, on targetindex click button populates targets[] object on service ( this.targetservice.targets = ts; ). works fine, route targetshow page, , index , targets[] property empty, when want contain i've populated. what missing here? app.module const routes: routes = [ { path: '', redirectto: 'targets', pathmatch: 'full'}, { path: 'targets', component: targetindexcomponent }, { path: 'targets/:id', component: targetshowcomponent } ] @ngmodule({ declarations: [ appcomponent, targetcomponent, targetin

batch file - for /f: Read input with various delimiters -

i using gpg (or 7-zip) generate hashsums of files. want read these hashsums variables in batch file work them further. my problem gpg creates -based on path length , chosen hashalgo- different output: sha256, short path: c:\test.txt: e3b0c442 98fc1c14 9afbf4c8 996fb924 27ae41e4 649b934c a495991b 7852b855 md5, short path: c:\test.txt: d4 1d 8c d9 8f 00 b2 04 e9 80 09 98 ec f8 42 7e sha256, long path: c:\folder1\folder2\folder3\testfile-longname.ext1.txt: 764b2054 853b6bcc 919853dd d47f4a3a f5a2dfb1 a5ee6967 52051e1e 12b143cc 7-zip gives following output when using crc32 , sha256 file: 7-zip (a) [64] 16.04 : copyright (c) 1999-2016 igor pavlov : 2016-10-04 scanning 1 file, 296533469 bytes (283 mib) crc32 sha256 size name -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ bb280ec2 22b8ab1b1ad2f04a47bfd409997a834b30c617b619522381123b7d2a

excel - how to use python xlsxwriter to conditionally format on cell value -

i output conditional formatted excel worksheets each column condition dependent on value in first row. using shown data frame cells a2, a4, b3, b4, c4, c5, d4, , e4 highlighted red. import xlsxwriter data = [ [1, 1, 5, 'a', 1], [1, 4, 4, 'b', 0], [2, 1, 5, 2, 2], [1, 1, 5, 'a', 1], ] wb = xlsxwriter.workbook('testout.xlsx') ws = wb.add_worksheet() formatyellow = wb.add_format({'bg_color':'#f7fe2e'}) formatred = wb.add_format({'bg_color':'#ff0000'}) i=0 row, row_data in enumerate(data): print (row) print (row_data) ws.write_row(row, 0, row_data) += 1 ws.conditional_format(0,1,4,5, {'type':'text', 'criteria':'containing', 'value':'b', 'format':formatyellow}) ws.conditional_format(0,1,4,5, {'type':'cell', 'criteria':&#

javascript - Error running ng serve -aot command in Angular 2 project -

i'm having error when run angular 2 project following command: ng serve -aot stack trace: error in ./src/app/app.module.ngfactory.ts module build failed: error: /users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/src/app/shared/services/message.service.ts (9,5): public property 'messagesource$' of exported class has or using name 'observable' external module "/users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/node_modules/rxjs/observable" cannot named.) @ _transpile (/users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/loader.js:101:19) @ /users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/loader.js:128:26 @ trycatch (/users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/lib/es6-promise/-internal.js:195:12) @ invokecallback (/users/iguissouma/ideaprojects/myproject/frontend/node_modules/es6-promise/dist/lib/es6-promise/-internal.js:210:13) @

spring - Can JBoss EAP7 consume Weblogic 12 JMS queues? -

this question 2 things: 1) possible have jboss eap7 webapplication listeners consuming weblogic 12 queue? weblogic server in same network jboss eap7 server 2) distributed transactions work in such envrionment? example when there error while consuming queue, message shoul return weblogic, error queue. operations should made in distributed transaction 2 weblogic servers 1 has queue exposed , second 1 has consumer. 3) how , if connection factory should defined in standalone.xml file? i use spring define queue consumers, see have wlinitialcontextfactory in jnditemplate properties. worked in weblogic-weblogic enviroment. today want change 1 of serversto jboss eap, server consumes weblogic queues. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype beans public "-//spring//dtd bean//en" ""> <beans> <bean id="invoicelistener" class="jms.invoicemdb"

CMake with Ninja how to define dependency file name extension -

my (embedded) c compiler produce dependency files in name "foo.c.d". cmake generates following dependency entry in dep_file = cmakefiles\foo.dir\foo.c.o.d is there way tell cmake generate dependency entry "foo.c.d" without .o ? core - Sitemap file not getting deployed to Azure website -

i'm running core (formerly 5) website on azure. i updated sitemap file couple months ago , in checking google webmaster tools, noticed there few errors in sitemap. checked gwt showed contents , found out it's previous version. i've checked bitbucket repository , see correct, updated version lives there. why isn't azure deploying updated version? edit: in response commenter below... here's project.json file: { "usersecretsid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "version": "1.0.0-*", "compilationoptions": { "emitentrypoint": true }, "dependencies": { "dapper": "1.42.0", "entityframework.commands": "7.0.0-rc1-final", "entityframework.microsoftsqlserver": "7.0.0-rc1-final", "microsoft.applicationinsights.aspnet": "1.0.0-rc1", "microsoft.aspnet.a

MySQL: the aggregated outcome is incorrect but not sure why? -

so trying find out customer largest sales change month month (in case, june july). here's mockup data created sake of practice: mysql> select * sales1; +------------+------------+-----------------+ | customerid | mydate | purchase_amount | +------------+------------+-----------------+ | 10 | 1996-08-02 | 2540.78 | | 20 | 1999-01-30 | 1800.54 | | 30 | 1995-07-14 | 460.33 | | 10 | 1998-06-29 | 2400 | | 50 | 1998-02-03 | 600.28 | | 60 | 1998-03-02 | 720 | | 10 | 1998-07-06 | 150 | +------------+------------+-----------------+ mysql> select * sales2; +------------+------------+-----------------+ | customerid | mydate | purchase_amount | +------------+------------+-----------------+ | 10 | 1996-06-02 | 540.78 | | 20 | 1999-09-30 | 800.54 | | 30 | 1995-07-14 | 60.33 | | 40 | 1998-01-2

javascript - Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference -

given following examples, why outerscopevar undefined in cases? var outerscopevar; var img = document.createelement('img'); img.onload = function() { outerscopevar = this.width; }; img.src = 'lolcat.png'; alert(outerscopevar); var outerscopevar; settimeout(function() { outerscopevar = 'hello asynchronous world!'; }, 0); alert(outerscopevar); // example using jquery var outerscopevar; $.post('loldog', function(response) { outerscopevar = response; }); alert(outerscopevar); // node.js example var outerscopevar; fs.readfile('./catdog.html', function(err, data) { outerscopevar = data; }); console.log(outerscopevar); // promises var outerscopevar; mypromise.then(function (response) { outerscopevar = response; }); console.log(outerscopevar); // geolocation api var outerscopevar; navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(function (pos) { outerscopevar = pos; }); console.log(outerscopevar); why output