
Showing posts from September, 2013

access vba - DLookup 3075 Missing Operator Around NZ? -

this code: private sub form_current() set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("sites", dbopendynaset, dbseechanges) rs.requery rs.movefirst if nz(me.site_id.value) > 0 me.h2obillingidlbl.caption = dlookup("h2obillingidnum", "sites", "h2obillingidnum = " & me.txthotelid) else me.h2obillingidlbl.caption = "" end if end sub the dlookup line throwing error. me.txthotelid box text entry box on form , used enter numbers only. the h2obillingidnum field in recordset long. i have tried putting brackets around h2obillingidnum ; .value @ end of h2obillingidnum , me.txthotelid alternatively , combined; entering data string in case data mismatch error. i don't believe can use sql query because text entry field, if i'm wrong, i'll happily take information i've never heard of sql query , it's faster , more accurate method of pulling data. i'm out of ideas. suggestions? nz? there bet

javascript - Rxjs: How to subscribe to an event only if another event happened before? -

i have 2 event streams: let mousedowns = rx.observable.fromevent(document.body, "mousedown"); let mouseups = rx.observable.fromevent(document.body, "mouseup"); i subscribe mouseups preceeded mousedown. normally remember state so: let isdown = false; mousedowns.subscribe(() => down = true); mouseups.filter(() => isdown).subscribe(() => console.log("captured"); this feels rather un-"reactive"... elegant way same thing? it depends on if want stop listening mouse ups until next mouse down. mean, if goal have observable tells if mouse down, you'd like: const ismousedown = rx.observable .merge( => true), => false)) .startwith(false); ismousedown.subscribe(state => console.log("is mouse down? " + state)); if want trigger after down/up sequence you'd do: const myclicks = mousedowns.switchlatest(() => mouseups); myclicks.subscrib

get data from array in controller OpenCart -

i have array in controller file: $total_data = array(); $totals = $this->model_sale_order->getordertotals($order_id); foreach ($totals $total) { $total_data[] = array( 'title' => $total['title'], 'text' => $this->currency->format($total['value'], $order_info['currency_code'], $order_info['currency_value']), ); } how pass 'text' in same controller file? example: $text = $total['text']; i getting error undefined index: text in.... problem? i don't know want do, can send variable controller view $data in opencart 2.x you can send $total_data tpl file way: $data['total_data'] = $total_data; so code must be: $total_data = array(); $totals = $this->model_sale_order->getordertotals($order_id); foreach ($totals $total) {

wifimanager - How to sense when configured wifi security changes in android -

i need handle case when desired ssid connected or configured in list, meanwhile if security changes, how should notified currently, getting supplicant state "disconnected" when desired network connected , meanwhile if security changes. i didn't understood needs. how different check networkstate ? official docs supplicantstate states: these enumeration values used indicate current wpa_supplicant state. more fine-grained users interested in. in general, better use networkinfo.state . so how different check network state change in app ?

javascript - Adding an onclick event to an image inside a Google Maps InfoWindow -

i'm trying add onclick event image inside infowindow, when image clicked, javascript function called. "name" name of place , "image" image location. both show fine when click on marker nothing happens when click on image. my current code is: var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow({content: name + "</br>" + "<img onclick='output()' src='images/" + image + "'style=height:100px;width:100px;float:none;>"}); google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', function() {,marker); }); function output() { $("#output").html("yes"); } and html: <h1>my first google map</h1> <div id="map" style="width:60%;height:500px"></div> <div id="output"></div> </body> that's not answer, might can you, in topic show how trigger event on g

php - Exclude link starts with a character from PREG_REPLACE -

this codes convert url clickable link: $str = preg_replace('/(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]*)/i', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $str); how make not convert when url starts [ character? this: [ use negative lookbehind : $str = preg_replace('/(?<!\[)(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]*)/i', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $str); ^^^^^^^ then, http... substring preceded [ won't matched. you may enhance pattern as preg_replace('/(?<!\[)https?:\/\/\s*/i', '<a href="$0">$0</a>', $str); that is: remove ( , ) (the capturing group) , replace backreferences $1 $0 in replacement pattern, , mind [^\s] = \s , shorter. also, [s]? = s? .

r - Error with contour plot ggplot2 -

the following code works fine dat1 <- data.frame(x=c(-1,-1,1,1),y=c(-1,1,-1,1),z=c(1,2,3,4)) dat2 <- data.frame(x=c(-0.5,0.5),y=c(-0.5,0.5)) ggplot(dat1, aes(x=x, y=y, z=z)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=z)) + scale_fill_gradient(limits = c(0, 1), low = "yellow", high = "red") however, this ggplot(dat1, aes(x=x, y=y, z=z)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=z)) + scale_fill_gradient(limits = c(0, 1), low = "yellow", high = "red") + geom_point(data=dat2, aes(x=x,y=y)) gives error error: aesthetics must either length 1 or same data (2): x, y, z can please explain why? thanks. the ggplot function pass of aesthetics stated within aes function nested within geom functions follow it. illustrate point both of following work. cleanest answer remove z aes function needed first geom. ggplot(dat1, aes(x=x, y=y) )+ geom_tile(aes(fill=z)) + scale_fill_gradient(limits = c(0, 1), low = "yellow", high = "red") + geom_po

c# - Faster alternative than loop through list to specify non unique values and their position -

i have data set need isolate , feedback non-unique values across multiple columns. (think multi column primary key violation in database table). doing concatenating columns on each row list<string> . doing count of item in list , if greater 1 adding error message another column on same row - bit's important, need able provide feedback on position of duplicate/s, not fact there duplicate. the problem speed, although technically works, doesn't work practical solution because potentially working data sets of several hundred thousand rows code: list<string> mylist = new list<string>(); string thisconcat = ""; (int = 0; < dtlogdata.rows.count-1; i++) { foreach (int colnum in colnumlist) { thisconcat += dtlogdata.rows[i].field<string>(colnum-1); } mylist.add(thisconcat); thisconcat = ""; } then: for (int = 0; < dtlogdata.rows.count-1; i++) { int count =

Run .sh File in Java Code on Linux Machine -

my task: 1 - read excel file, parse , save data in txt file. 2 - read txt file , pass file. file 1 thing, picks data above mentioned txt file , save in database's table. when run file terminal(and give txt file), works fine. inserts records in database want. problem is , when want same java code, file not work. , also, no exception thrown. some explanation: using java 7, oracle, sql-loader, linux. additional information: if rename file batch.bat file , run in windows environment, works fine. file works fine if executed terminal. problem is, not working java code. i listing java code snippet, file , control.txt file following task. java code: try{ string target = new string("/path/to/batchfile/"); runtime rt = runtime.getruntime(); process proc = rt.exec(target); proc.waitfor(); }catch(exception e){ log.error("exception occured message : "+e.getmess

oracle - How can i "Clean" output from sqlplus query? -

i have got simple query , need 1 value = valid the query is: select 'value('||status||')' value user_indexes index_name = '&1'; but hve got in out: c:\program files\zabbix\bin\win64\oracle>sqlplus -s @"c:\program files\zabbix\bi n\win64\oracle\conn2.sql" olaptablevelsid old 1: select status user_indexes index_name = '&1' new 1: select status user_indexes index_name = 'olaptablevelsid' valid what old , new strings? how can dismiss it? thank you. set verify off should you. please add such line in script before query.

css - Bootstrap - I need to zoom image on the mouse hover, but keep its original size -

i trying create bootstrap grid images padding, zoomed in on hover. problem after set overflow "hidden", keep blocking padding line set - padding set in same element , reason override it. example, when hover on left image, grows bit , blocks vertical white line in middle. how can force css respect padding? my html <div class="row" style="height:100%"> <div class="col-md-6 img-hover" style="padding-right:3px;height:100%;overflow:hidden;"> <img class="img-responsive" src="images/image.jpg")" style="overflow: hidden" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="overflow:hidden;height:100%; padding-right: 3px;"> <div class="row"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/images/image2.jpg")" /> </div> <div class="

java - XJC - ignore nillable=true -

in order avoid values being wrapped in jaxbelement , generating classes xsd following bindings file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xjc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="" version="2.1"> <jaxb:globalbindings generateelementproperty="false"> <xjc:simple /> </jaxb:globalbindings> </jaxb:bindings> however, there problem nillable fields. following xsd: <!-- ... --> <xsd:complextype name="getshortcustomerin"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="fieldone"

php - How to make Image Upload Required -

how can section of code made compulsory/required? code doesn't have simple image upload field. joomla component. have tried specifying attribute "required" regular html upload fields, has not worked. <section class="block" id="gallery"> <h2><?php echo jtext::_('com_bt_property_gallery');?></h2> <div class="center"> <div class="form-group"> <?php if ($this->params->get('fe_upload_type', 1) == 1) { echo $this->loadtemplate('images_flash'); } else { echo $this->loadtemplate('images_simple'); } ?> <?php $params = new jregistry(); if ($this->item->params) {

java - Selenium Grid: how to maximize browser window using RemoteWebDriver and ChromeDriver -

i know how can maximize browser window using selenium grid , remotewebdriver popular browsers. this question has not been solved yet in community, there question this: how maximize browser window in selenium webdriver (selenium 2) using c#? in question not clear how maximize browser window in remotewebdriver. on firefox , ie guess in same way driver.manage().window().maximize(); in chrome have do: chromeoptions options = new chromeoptions(); options.addargument("--start-maximized"); driver = new chromedriver(options); the question how can apply remotewebdriver? if understand question correctly want know how pass driver options remote case ever creating driver object need create desire capabilities , use 1 of constructor of remote driver capability parameter. example desiredcapabilities capabilities =; chromeoptions options = new chromeoptions(); options.addarguments("--start-maximized"); capabilit

node.js - how to stop bot to not move forward unless entity is resolves -

var intent = args.intent; var number = builder.entityrecognizer.findentity(intent.entities, 'builtin.numer'); when use findentity move forward if answer correct or not how can use entity resolve on not builtin entites var location1 = builder.entityrecognizer.findentity(intent.entities, 'location'); var time = builder.entityrecognizer.resolvetime(intent.entities); when use resolve time ask againand again unless entity resolve; var alarm = session.dialogdata.alarm = { number: number ? number.entity : null, timestamp: time ? time.gettime() : null, location1: location1? location1.entity :null }; /* if (!number & !location1 time) {} */ // prompt number if (!alarm.number) { builder.prompts.text(session, 'how many people are'); } else { next(); } }, function (session, results, next) { var alarm = session.dialogdata.alarm; if (results.response) { alarm.

c# - Conditional resource compile -

i have c# application. application includes resource file images , icon. target compile same application different set of images/icons. same images name, different content. is there way include different resource file in compile time on condition? maybe looking preprocessor directives or conditional attribute. preprocessor directives from this tutorial bipin joshi: c# preprocessor directives commands meant c# compiler. using preprocessor directives instruct c# compiler alter compilation process in way. example may instruct c# compiler particular block of code excluded compilation process. conditionalattribute from msdn indicates compilers method call or attribute should ignored unless specified conditional compilation symbol defined. to compare these 2 see this post.

php - How do i get the query searched on google, when people visits my page? -

as title states, try find way see search words people used on google when entered website. e.g: a person, searches "cheap cloth" on google my link pops-up on google my link pressed, , redirected homepage i want know word used find website it seems no longer possible pure code (php), since google switched https. but isn't other ways find out? don't google have api, can use find out stuff that? register on " google search console " once verified website, can see stats if registered on google search console can see stats in "search analytics"

multithreading - Akka Stream Graph parallelisation -

i've created graph whcih contains balance . balance distributes load on 5 flows . expected happen every instance of flow run on seperate thread . however, not happens. when i'm printing thread name notice flows being executed on same thread . the code i'm using is: runnablegraph.fromgraph(graphdsl.create() { implicit builder: graphdsl.builder[notused] => val in = source(1 10) val out = sink.ignore val bal = builder.add(balance[int](5)) val merge = builder.add(merge[int](5)) val f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 = flow[int].map(x => { println(thread.currentthread()) x }).async in ~> bal ~> f1 ~> merge ~> out bal ~> f2 ~> merge bal ~> f3 ~> merge bal ~> f4 ~> merge bal ~> f5 ~> merge closedshape }) this outputs: thread[,5,main] thread[,5,main] thread[,5,main]

javascript - Create cron executing node.js file -

i'm trying execute javascript file every 2 hours. i'm using node.js create cron 1 * * * * /usr/bin/node /var/www/html/uniphidata/js/recalculate_points.js my recalculate_ponts.js file this: var mysql = require('/var/www/html/uniphidata/mysql'); var connection = mysql.createconnection({ host: 'host', user: 'user', password: 'pass!', database: 'database' }); connection.connect(); connection.query('select * users', function (err, rows, fields) { if (err) throw err; rows.foreach(function (row, index) { connection.query('select count(*) friends users invitedbyfriend = ' +, function (err2, friends, fields2) { if (err2) throw err2; var realcountfriends = friends[0].friends; friends = friends[0].friends * 50; var id = '%;' + + ';%'; connection.query('select sum(pointspershare) shareevent ev

php - Amazon API Item Price -

i have issue when script pulls item price, script have works is foreach($items $item) { $order_rows[] = [ $order->getamazonorderid(), $item['sellersku'], $item['quantityordered'], $item['itemprice']['amount'], $item['itemtax']['amount'], date('h:m', strtotime($order->getpurchasedate())), date('m/d/y', strtotime($order->getpurchasedate())), the code works fine exception of itemprice field. multiplying amount quantity ordered , need list individual item price. if remove ['amount'] bracket value returns "array" instead of number. have idea how correct this?

sockets - C++ use SSL to ensure Winsock TCP data security on Windows -

we have c\s application developed on windows. development language c\c++ , use winsock (tcp) library. fundamental function finished. because server side works in internet, must ensure data security. after search on internet, found ssl can help. , there article on codeproject: csslsocket - ssl/tls enabled csocket , shows how use windows schannel implement ssl mfc csocket。 also noticed implement need certificate . our application, don't have certificate . do need apply certificate , how apply? or simple solution implement ssl in our case (we want use windows sspi, not other open source library, openssl). is there other common solution ensure tcp socket data security except ssl? thanks! you don't strictly need certificate, should use one, @ least on server side, clients can validate not connected incorrect server, mitm attacker. certificates not used on client side, though can be, if server wants validate clients are. yes, there other options besides ssl

python - changing a for loop to a while loop -

i wondering how change following lines of codes use while loop instead of for loop. for num in range(10): print(num+1) it prints out following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 thanks! start = 0 while start != 10: start = start + 1 print(start) hope hepls

ios - How to split NSArray into multiple different arrays based on an NSArray of indexes? -

i have nsarray needs split multiple arrays. need split them based on indexes have in separate nsarray array. example, index array *arrayindexes looks this: 6 8 20 45 these indexes need split single array on. there simple/quick way objective-c? you can use subarraywithrange: go done, below example nsarray *arr = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"temp1",@"temp2",@"temp3",@"temp4",@"temp5",@"temp6",@"temp7",@"temp8",@"temp9",@"temp10",@"temp11",@"temp12",@"temp13",@"temp14",@"temp15",@"temp16",@"temp17",@"temp18", nil]; nsarray *arrindex = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"4",@"10",@"12",@"14", nil]; nsmutablearray *arrtemp = [nsmutablearray new]; (int i=0;i<arrindex.count;i++) { if (arrindex.count == i+1) { [arrtemp addobject:[arr subarraywithra

android - Error after implementing StartApp Sdk -

i have implemented startapp sdk serve add in application giving error below. error showing in crash report. please remove error , avoid crash please see crash report below exception java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke interface methodjava.util.iterator java.util.list.iterator()' on null object reference () () () ()$ () ( here java file package sujaynambiar.textilecalculation; import; import android.content.context; import android.os.bundle; import; import android.view.view; import android.view.window; import android.widget.arrayadapter; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.imageview; import android.widget.spinner; import android.widget.textvi

Jetty 6 Maven Plugin fails to start on Intellij -

i'm moving eclipse intellij, , switching tomcat jetty in dev environment. tomcat plugin works fine, when start jetty outputs following error: failed execute goal org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.1.2:run (default-cli) on project projeto: webapp source directory c:\users\evcash - blue\workspace\projeto\src\main\webapp not exist -> [help 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.lifecycleexecutionexception: failed execute goal org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.1.2:run (default-cli) on project projeto: webapp source directory c:\users\evcash - blue\workspace\projeto\src\main\webapp not exist here pom.xml: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupid>org.mortbay.jetty</groupid> <artifactid>maven-jetty-plugin</artifactid> <version>6.1.2</version> <configuration> <connectors> <connector implementation="org.mortb

javascript - ClassNotFoundException in NativeScript using .extend() -

i trying extend googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks(), keep getting error `java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{org.nativescript.samplegroceries/com.tns.nativescriptactivity}: com.tns.nativescriptexception: calling js method oncreate failed error calling module function error: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: java.lang.class.classforname(native method) java.lang.class.forname( java.lang.class.forname( com.tns.dexfactory.generatedex( com.tns.dexfactory.resolveclass( com.tns.classresolver.resolveclass( ` my corresponding code is var googleapiclient =; var myconnectioncallbacks = googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks.extend({ onconnected: function(connectionhint){ var messagelisten

algorithm - Find closest "true" element in 2D boolean matrix? -

i have 2d matrix boolean values, updated highly frequently. want choose 2d index {x, y} within matrix, , find nearest element "true" in table, without going through elements (the matrix massive). for example, if have matrix: 0000100 0100000 0000100 0100001 and choose coordinate {x1, y1} such {4, 3}, want returned location of closest "true" value, in case {5, 3}. distance between elements measured using standard pythagorean equation: distance = sqrt(distx * distx + disty * disty) distx = x1 - x , disty = y1 - y . i can go through elements in matrix , keep list of "true" values , select 1 shortest distance result, it's extremely inefficient. algorithm can use reduce search time? details: matrix size 1920x1080, , around 25 queries made every frame. entire matrix updated every frame. trying maintain reasonable framerate, more 7fps enough. if matrix being updated, there no need build auxillary structure distance transform, voron

Uninstall the app installed using "Test Installtion Flow" option -

i testing our app listing under google market place, while testing app got installed when clicked "test installtion flow", not getting option uninstall it. third party apps installed google marketplace able uninstall. please this. from faq page questioned, "how can manage , uninstall applications have installed marketplace?" it stated here clicking on "manage apps" on top right of marketplace, users can view applications have installed. there can rate, review , uninstall applications (unless admin-installed) . hope helps you.

javascript - HTML5 video webcam match resolution -

i trying use webcam take snapshot. have overlayed rectangle cropped area when photo taken. when take photo image captured zoomed in. how make image same area within rectangle? var timer = null; var timeto = 3; // time in seconds capture var video = document.getelementbyid('videoelement'); function handlevideo(stream) { video.src = window.url.createobjecturl(stream); } function videoerror(e) { } function init() { setupcamera(); // draw crop area box var c = document.getelementbyid("rectelement"); var ctx = c.getcontext("2d"); c.width = 480; c.height = 360; ctx.linewidth = "4"; ctx.strokestyle = "red"; ctx.rect(120, 50, 240, 260); ctx.stroke(); document.getelementbyid('btnphoto').onclick = function() { var video = document.getelementbyid("videoelement"); var canvas = document.getelementbyid('snapshot-canvas'); var ctx = canvas

python - I can't figure out how to feed a Placeholder by data from matlab -

i trying implement simple feed forward network. however, can't figure out how feed placeholder data matlab. example: import tensorflow tf import numpy np import scio import math # # create data train_input=scio.loadmat('/users/liutianyuan/desktop/image_restore/data/input_for_tensor.mat') train_output=scio.loadmat('/users/liutianyuan/desktop/image_restore/data/output_for_tensor.mat') x_data=np.float32(train_input['input_for_tensor']) y_data=np.float32(train_output['output_for_tensor']) print x_data.shape print y_data.shape ## create tensorflow structure start ### def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=none): weights = tf.variable(tf.random_uniform([in_size,out_size], -4.0*math.sqrt(6.0/(in_size+out_size)), 4.0*math.sqrt(6.0/(in_size+out_size)))) biases = tf.variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size])) wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases if activation_function none: outputs = wx_plus_b

WebSphere Liberty excessive startup time -

i'm trying configure ibm websphere liberty server ( 1 of our applications runs there, but, besides obvious unreliability, server takes time start. clear on log files: [17-11-2016 15:54:16:231 gmt] 0000001c cwwks9122i: url /* in application, following http methods uncovered, , accessible: head options trace [17-11-2016 15:56:18:349 gmt] 0000001b org.jboss.weld.event weld-000411: observer method [backedannotatedmethod] public org.omnifaces.vetoannotatedtypeextension.processannotatedtype(@observes processannotatedtype<t>) receives events annotated types. consider restricting events using @withannotations or generic type bounds. [17-11-2016 15:56:19:798 gmt] 0000001b cntr4000i: allplexejbeans-v2.jar ejb module in ecc application starting. as can see, there more 2 mi

Password Verification Program Java -

i working on final project java class , need little help! first going show instructions, code , problem. instructions write program prompts user enter password. create boolean variable named valid , set true. if of these tests below fail, set true. check password see if has @ least 8 characters. if not, display message, "password must have @ least 8 characters" check password see if consists of letter , digits. this, need loop through of characters in string. character c letter of digit if expression true: ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') if not true, break loop , display message, "password must contain letter , digits" 5. if valid still true @ end of program, display message, "password accepted!" my code import java.util.scanner; public class passwordverification { public static void main(string[]

python - numpy array to ndarray -

i have exported pandas dataframe numpy.array object. subset = array[:4,:] array([[ 2. , 12. , 33.33333333, 2. , 33.33333333, 12. ], [ 2. , 2. , 33.33333333, 2. , 33.33333333, 2. ], [ 2.8 , 8. , 45.83333333, 2.75 , 46.66666667, 13. ], [ 3.11320755, 75. , 56. , 3.24 , 52.83018868, 33. ]]) print subset.dtype dtype('float64') i convert column values specific types, , set column names well, means need convert ndarray. here dtypes: [('percent_a_new', '<f8'), ('joinfield', '<i4'), ('null_count_b', '<f8'), ('percent_comp_b', '<f8'), ('ranking_a', '<f8'), ('ranking_b', '<f8'), ('null_count_b', '<f8')] when go convert array, get: valueerror: new type n