
Showing posts from June, 2014

Django Autocomplete-Light allow any text input fields -

i have django autocomplete-light running crispy forms , need allow users enter any text form. @ moment user can either select 1 of options autocomplete dropdown, or nothing. note using select2listview autocomplete-light does know how can modify autocomplete-light, or crispy forms allow text entered? thanks stephen

r - How to ignore linearly correlated variables introduced by factor reference cell coding -

assume have dataset containing 2 categorical predictor variables (a,b) , binary target (y) variable. > df <- data.frame( > = factor(c("cat1","cat2","cat3","cat1","cat2")), > b = factor(c("cat1","cat1","cat3","cat2","cat2")), > y = factor(c(t,f,t,f,t)) > ) the following logical relations exist in data: if (a = cat3) (b = cat3 , y = true) else if (a = b) (y = true) else y = false i want use glm build model dataset. glm automatically apply reference cell coding on categorical variables , b. take care of finding right number of codes each factor variable, no alias variables introduced (explained here ). however can happen, dataset above, linear relationship exists between 1 reference code generated variable , 1 reference code of variable b. see output of model: > model <- glm(y ~ ., family=binomial(link='logit'), data=df) > summary

cypher - Neo4j delete all the nodes in a label and their relationships -

i know question has been asked many times answers didn't solve problem. want delete nodes in label telephonenumber , relationships (millions). have tried first deleting relationships way: match (:person)-[r:has_telephone_number]->(:telephonenumber) delete r but after amount of time error gc overhead limit exceeded . have tried limiting query this: match (:person)-[r:has_telephone_number]->(:telephonenumber) r limit 100 delete r but same error. have tried way: match (t:telephonenumber) optional match (t)-[r]-() delete t,r but same error again. how can delete nodes in label , relationships without exceeding garbage collector overhead limit? you may want take advantage of apoc procedures apoc.periodic.commit() . also, since you're wanting delete nodes, detach delete help, delete relationships node , delete node itself. an example of usage might be: call apoc.periodic.commit(" match (tel:telephonenumber) tel limit {limit} detach delete tel re

android - Unexpected margin in bottom sheet after using SearchView -

i facing strange issue working searchview , bottomsheet . bottomsheet gets unexpected margin when used after using searchview . video explains problem. video xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < <xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:id="@+id/main_content" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@color/backgroundcolor" android:fitssystemwindows="true"> < android:id="@+id/trip_recyclerview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> < android:id="@+id/bottom_sheet" android:layout_width="mat

CSS - Can you add space between images inside the same class? -

so without creating more classes in css, can have example 3 images in same class, , give them percentage of space in-between them? or possible this, separating them using margin or padding? many thanks. html: <!--this contain images --> <div class="image"></div> <div class="image"></div> <div class="image"></div> css: body { margin: 0px; } .image { display: inline-block; background-color: blue; height: 100px; width: 200px; margin-right: 10px; } .image:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 10px; }

asynchronous - How to test a Firebase task on Android? -

now trying test using junit4, getting java.lang.illegalstateexception: must not called on main application thread @ source) @ source) @ source) @ com.example.tasks.getuserprofiletest.then( <27 internal calls> process finished exit code 255 i've created continuation task performs operation on firebase realtime database . public class getuserprofile implements continuation<string, task<profile>>, valueeventlistener { private taskcompletionsource<profile> mtaskcompletionsource; private databasereference mdatabase; public getuserprofile() { mtaskcompletionsource = new taskcompletionsource(); mdatabase = firebasedatabase.getinstance().getreference(); } @override public void oncancelled(databaseerror datab

functional programming - Pattern matching in anonymous function in Scala -

i'm beginner scala developer having problems coding exercise (5.12) taken book "functional programming in scala" paul chiusano. i have function here, called unfold , takes initial state , function producing stream next states: def unfold[a,s](z: s)(f: s => option[(a,s)]): stream[a] = f(z) match { case some((h,t)) => h #:: unfold(t)(f) case _ => stream.empty } for example, function 1 can create infinite stream of objects, e.g. def constant[a](a: a): stream[a] = unfold(a)(_ => some(a,a)) now, want create fibonacci sequence, type: def fibs: stream[int] = unfold((0,1))((a,b) => some(a,(b,a+b))) i these errors: missing parameter type b expression of type some[((int,int),(nothing,string))] doesn't conform expected type option[(a_,(int,int))] if use case keyword inside anonymous function passed unfold , like: { case (a,b) => some(a,(b,a+b))} everything's fine. so question is: what's difference between 2 implemen

Does graphql allow conditional execution of a step in a mutation? -

since can have multiple steps run sequentially in mutation, can have conditional if statement in graphql later steps run if result previous step meets condition? e.g. mutation upsertlogin($idtoken: string!, $email: string!, $username: string!) { user(email: $email, username: $username) { id } // next step if no id from previous step createuser(email: $email, username: $username) { id } } no, graphql doesn't support kind of conditional execution. thing explicitly supported throwing error in 1 mutation in order prevent remainder of mutations running. works because mutations run sequentially. in theory implement conditionals mention writing , reading context, shared between resolvers, not recommend doing so, because implementations of graphql declare context immutable.

user interface - Using c#(Xamarin) to drag items in a menu list and reorder them -

in app making there list of axml layouts creates menu(something this: ) trying animate blocks in way if hold them drag them reorder themselves. problem running once scroll in menu pickup item item drops had instead of scrolling further item , scrolls page instead. here ontouch method(currently) referrence: public bool ontouch(view v, motionevent e) { switch (e.action) { case motioneventactions.down: timer = 0; clippos = v.gety(); console.writeline(clippos); break; case motioneventactions.move: timer++; clippos = v.gety(); if(timer > 10) { v.animate() .y(e.rawy) .setduration(0) .start(); console.writeline(clippos

javascript - append 3rd `<td>` value in highchart's tool tip -

the snippet below displays tooltip colin cockram : 601118.076 currency symbol. how can append 3rd <td> values in tooltip ? need tooltip colin cockram : 601118.076 - survey : 891 . how can achieve ? $(function () { $('#container').highcharts({ data: { table: 'datatable' }, chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'survey reports chart' }, subtitle: { text: '' }, yaxis: { allowdecimals: true, min: 0, title: { text: 'amount' } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: \u00a3'+highcharts.numberformat(this.point.y, 2)

node.js - Get request's first response status code -

i requesting redirects me 301 or 302 status , response code 200. want statuses not last. use 'request' module in node server. here code"/check", function(req, res) { var link = req.body.url; var opts = { uri: link, gzip: true, followredirect :function (resp) { return true; } }; request(opts, function (error, res, body) { if (res.statuscode > 300 && res.statuscode < 400 && res.headers.location) { if (url.parse(res.headers.location).hostname) { } else { } } not sure want output try this:"/check", function(req, res) { var link = req.body.url; var redirectcodes = []; var opts = { uri: link, gzip: true, followredirect :function (resp) { redirectcodes.push(resp.statuscode); return true; } }; request(opts, function (error, res, body) { res.end(json.stringify({

Can't connect to Android Wear watch after a reboot -

after watch reboot, changing watch face androidwear application works, companion application can't communicate watch reason. although question isn't specific enough (there's nothing share in terms of code), maybe has experienced such case? you can try double check if bluetooth paired between 2 device. because 1 of common reasons android wear device refusing talk/pair phone bluetooth, having many devices paired it. source: android wear problems , solutions another possible solution problem found in android wear help support page. here things need know. make sure phone , google apps up-to-date bluetooth turned on phone internet connection

java - Reload changes to a shared data base -

i'm using spring boot, , have 2 services share same data base. each service has own data source communicate db. my problem when apply changes via first data source changes not being affected or not being reloaded second data source. my question how can reload changes, whenever apply changes 1 data source reflected second\other data source? my solution share db between 2 services using spring data rest.

How to display a note if a row does not exist? SQL Server -

i want display phone numbers of customer(customertable) . but if there no phone number because customer hasn't left one, want display note saying "no phone number". i've tried command select phonenumber customers if phonenumber null raiseerror 'no phonenumber' -error but error: "phonenumber" not valid columnname and guess raiseerror not proper way display note (?!) please help sorry poor english. why not use coalesce return first non-null value? select coalesce(phonenumber, 'no phone number') customers

node.js - Readable and writable streams unexpected behavior -

i run unexpected behavior regards fs.createreadstream , fs.createwritestream . hope can point out make wrong assumptions: i create readable , writable stream this let readablestream = fs.createreadstream('./lorem ipsum.doc'); let writablestream = fs.createwritestream('./output'); why, if send read stream write stream this let data, chunk; readablestream .on('readable', () => { while (( !== null) { data+=chunk; } }) .on('end', ()=>{ writablestream.write(data) console.log("done"); }); i end discrepancy in output file: while if stream this: let data, chunk; readablestream .on('readable', () => { while (( !== null) { writablestream.write(chunk) } }) .on('end', ()=>{ console.log("done"); }); all fine , expected: i.e., in first example, when/where additional overhead in bytes added? why added? goes wron

c# - DataTable Format -

i have question. i'm working on c#, , change date format of datatable. datatable gest source sql, , performed dd/mm/yyyy h:mm:ss , change dd/mm/yyyy . if execute query in sql, format wish, problem in datatable. also, set datatable reportviwer. thanks. edit: code give datatable format datatable table=(get source sql); (int = 0; < tabla.rows.count;i++) { string date= ""; calendar cl = new calendar(); date= table.rows[i]["limitdate"]= .tostring(); cl.selecteddate = system.datetime.parse(date); table.rows[i]["limitdate"]= + "/" + cl.selecteddate.month.tostring() + "/" + cl.selecteddate.year.tostring(); } if run code below gridview, works. however, datatable not working use table.rows[i]["limitdate"]"dd/mm/yyyy"); or take substring of dd/mm/yyyy h:mm:ss format string

javascript - typeahead.js does not show results for array of JSON objects -

i'm using typeahead.js bloodhound remote search through our products, though valid json response empty template keeps being shown. products = new bloodhound( datumtokenizer: bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace querytokenizer: bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace remote: url: '/search.json?search[q]=%query' wildcard: '%query' ) $('#search_q').typeahead null, source: products.ttadapter() templates: empty: ' <div class="empty-message"> unable find results match current query </div> ' suggestion: handlebars.compile ' <div> <strong>{{name}}</strong> – {{url}} </div> ' the server returns json response on typing: [ {"name":"shankh terracotta tea light holder ","type":"products","url":"/goods/6476/shankh-terracotta-tea-light-holder"}, {"name":"tess walle

mysql - ERR wrong number of arguments for 'hmset' command on laravel -

i using redis database first time,and past data base on localhost mysql , project laravel on localhost when run project error: errorexception in client.php line 365: err wrong number of arguments 'hmset' command why not worked on localhost thanks

get cloudformation_facts for multiple cloudformation stacks with with_items in ansible -

i have multiple clouformation stacks, , stored names list in cf_template_items now trying gather information of them (at end want have stack_output of of them): - name: facts cf stacks cloudformation_facts: stack_name: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ cf_template_items }}" unfortunately, afterwards cloudformation contains information last stack. seems information others overwritten. can somehow cat facts cloudformation stacks of list of stack names? yes, cloudformation_facts overwrites cloudformation fact every run. to collect data every run, register loop result , reformat clean dict, this: - cloudformation_facts: stack_name: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ cf_template_items }}" register: cf_tmp - set_fact: cf: "{{ dict(cf_tmp.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.cloudformation') | map('dictsort') | sum(start=[])) }}" this code not tested. should give cf dict stacks facts

swift - iOS App Delegate Crash -

i receiving error after app delegate crashes. 2016-11-17 10:01:34.780 foodie[38429:3212774] * terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidunarchiveoperationexception', reason: '* -[nskeyedunarchiver decodeobjectforkey:]: cannot decode object of class (photomania.item) key (ns.objects); class may defined in source code or library not linked' how can fix it? here app delegate : @uiapplicationmain class appdelegate: uiresponder, uiapplicationdelegate { var window: uiwindow? // override point customization after application launch. //create imagestore //let imagestore = imagestore() //let itemstore = itemstore() //access itemsviewcontroller , set item store //let navcontroller = window!.rootviewcontroller as! uinavigationcontroller //let itemscontroller = navcontroller.topviewcontroller as! itemsviewcontroller //itemscontroller.itemstore = itemstore //itemscontroller.imagestore = imagestore func application(application: uiapplication, di

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in editdata.php on line 7 -

this question has answer here: mysqli_fetch_array()/mysqli_fetch_assoc()/mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 resource or mysqli_result, boolean given 33 answers <?php $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","alphacontractsdata"); if(isset($_get['edit_id'])) { $sql_query = "select * works odos=".$_get['edit_id']; $result_set = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_query); $fetched_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result_set); } if(isset($_post['btn-update'])) { // variables input data $name = $_post['onomateponumo']; $odos = $_post['odos']; $arithmos = $_post['arithmos']; $perioxi = $_post['perioxi']; $date = $_post['hmerominia']; // variables input data // sql query update data database $sql_query = "update works set onomateponumo

java - DB2 jdbc SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001 on Select -

there select query executing db2 jdbc. using prepared statement pass in value parameter. column length of parameter in database 12 works fine until length of value 12 , fails. throws exception error message in title. did searching , found explanation in following link , resolution mentioned in there below resolving problem add additional client side validation code prevents queries, values larger allowed maximum length ran. i don't want this. why wouldn't query return no results. idea how go this? edit string sql = "select student_id, student_name student student_id = ?"; try (connection connection = dbutils.getconnection) { try (preparedstatement statement = connection.preparestatement(sql)) { statement.setstring(1, student_id); resultset result = statement.executequery(); while ( { //... } } } i going answe

java - Javafx where to bind labels to StringProperty -

i've been struggling several days, i've read threads, mvc, bindings, interfaces , many interesting things cant put them in appropriate way make work. i want list files in mi c:\ , display them on changing label is: exception in thread "thread-4" java.lang.illegalstateexception: not on fx application thread; currentthread = thread-4 this fxml: <?import javafx.scene.control.button?> <?import javafx.scene.control.label?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.anchorpane?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.columnconstraints?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.gridpane?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.rowconstraints?> <gridpane alignment="center" hgap="10" prefheight="200.0" prefwidth="401.0" vgap="10" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="" fx:controller="sample.controller"> <columnconstraints> <columncon

angular - How can I create a component from a module that's already been imported? -

i have modal service that's responsible opening modal dialog on fly signature create<t>(component: type<t>, params?: object, module: type<{}> = appmodule): observable<componentref<t>> . modal service meant problem when import module that's been imported, receive error unexpected value 'undefined' declared module 'mymodule' . research shows common problem when attempting import things twice. modalservice - import { injectable, componentref, componentfactoryresolver, viewcontainerref, reflectiveinjector, injector, compiler, type } '@angular/core'; import { observable, replaysubject } 'rxjs'; import { appmodule } '../../app.module'; @injectable() export class modalservice { vcref: viewcontainerref; constructor(private componentfactoryresolver: componentfactoryresolver, private compiler: compiler, private injector: injector) { } registerviewcontainerref(vcr

java - Jersey: Reading Content-Type:plain/text response as XML -

i'm receiving http response external server contains xml in body. however, response header says content-type:plain/text this incorrect , should application/xml . but, said, it's external server cannot change. the following code gives error: clientresponse response = client.create().resource(url).get(clientresponse.class); return response.getentity(xmlresponse.class); exception: com.sun.jersey.api.client.clienthandlerexception: message body reader java class com.evs.ats.xmlresponse, , java type class com.evs.ats.xmlresponse, , mime media type text/plain not found the following code works don't it: string resultstring = response.getentity(string.class); inputstream stream = new bytearrayinputstream( resultstring.getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8) ); jaxbcontext jc = jaxbcontext.newinstance(xmlresponse.class); unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createunmarshaller(); return (xmlresponse) unmarshaller.unmarshal(stream); is there way "force"

c# - web api: action parameter is null -

i have simple web api when test postman, method parameter null. i've looked , on other questions similar title haven't found answer. here controller action: [httppost] public member create([frombody] string payload) { var s = request.content.readasstringasync(); if (payload == null) { throw new argumentnullexception(nameof(payload)); } console.writeline(payload); console.writeline(s); return null; } and here postman configuration: in headers tab i've added content-type application/json . when i'm debugging this, payload variable allways null , string s contains id = 98, status = rantocompletion, method = "{null}", result = "" so doing wrong? you should wrap string in model (object): class model { public string payload {get;set;} } [httppost] public async task<member> create([frombody] model model) // wrap member in task ,

css - Why does -ms-overflow-style exist? -

when comparing -ms-overflow-style css property overflow , see little difference in terms of use case, other auto-hide scrollbar feature. macos has feature auto-hide scrollbar. seems me delegating hidden scrollbar implementation browser instead of os kind of headache. what reasons might microsoft have had make css property? sources: if don't want enable scrollbar want have ability scroll, use -ms-overflow-style or ::-webkit-scrollbar width or height 0. -ms-overflow-style equivalent ::webkit-scrollbar in case of visibility , ability scroll.

doctrine2 - error `the name contains illegal characters`, in Doctrine 2 embeddable in Symfony 2,8 form -

doctrine 2 annotation embeddable not working in symfony 2.8 on windows. @orm\embeddable not working, getting error : name "address.addr_line_1" contains illegal characters. names should start letter, digit or underscore , contain letters, digits, numbers, underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-") , colons (":"). error comes vendor...\src\symfony\component\form\formconfigbuilder.php . seems reason dot in automatically generated name : "address.addr_line_1". i tried disable automatic prefixes, , give own names. doctrine generates table columns names wrote : addr_line_1. but generated form contain fields dot "address.addr_line_1", though error the name xxx contains illegal characters . if use addr_line_1 in form, getting error, name not exists. <?php namespace learn\mysqlbundle\entity; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; //use doctrine\orm\mapping\embeddable; use learn\mysqlbundle\entity\embeddable\addressemb; use lear

c# - How to return 404 page if illegal character in path error is met in ASP.NET MVC -

i have mvc application, have own error handling module like: public class errorhandlingmodule : ihttpmodule { public void init( httpapplication context ) { context.error += context_error; } public void dispose() { } void context_error( object sender, eventargs e ) { } } there treat different type of exceptions httpexception , other type of custom exceptions. i want check if illegal characters in path exception met returns 404 page. (like user insert" ) by default returns 500 error page. what's better way ? comparing exception's message, hresult ... ? you change status of httpresponse notfound (404): response.statuscode = httpstatuscode.notfound; you can response current context, weboperationcontext.current.outgoingresponse . if trying capture bad incoming request - is, uri of request has invalid path characters - have fight wcf or reconfigure information, processed

android - BroadcastService restart itself when app killed -

i using this broadcast service countdown timer. when kill app, not ticking on same time(second), starts again. here code. broadcastservice: package com.example.emre.denemeprojesi; import; import android.content.intent; import android.os.countdowntimer; import android.os.ibinder; import android.util.log; public class broadcastservice extends service { private final static string tag = "broadcastservice"; public static final string countdown_br = "com.example.emre.denemeprojesi"; intent bi = new intent(countdown_br); countdowntimer cdt = null; @override public void oncreate() { super.oncreate(); log.i(tag, "starting timer..."); system.out.println("starting timer"); cdt = new countdowntimer(60000, 1000) { @override public void ontick(long millisuntilfinished) { log.i(tag, "countdown seconds remaining: "

coldfusion - How do I prevent strings containing the word "yes" or "no" from printing out as true or false? -

this question has answer here: how can prevent serializejson changing yes/no/true/false strings boolean? 6 answers i'm setting number of variables so: <cfset printpage = "yes"> eventually, when print these variables out, try set "yes" prints out "true". set "no", prints out "false". i'm not opposed using yesnoformat function. in fact might end using function in application, in mean time know if coldfusion storing words "yes" , "no" in memory, or if converting them boolean format behind scenes. if cf storing variables way declare them, how go retrieving these variables strings? if cf changing variables in way, there special characters or keywords use force store variables strings? thank commented / answered. did little more experimenting , reading, , seems serializejson functi

javascript - Getting error while making meteor-angular whatsapp tutorial: Controller 'ionTabs', required by directive 'ionTab', can't be found -

i making meteor angular2 whatsapp tutorial , i'm alredy stuck in step 1. created until listing 1.7 browser screams modules.js?hash=35d5037…:57565error: [$compile:ctreq] controller 'iontabs', required directive 'iontab', can't found! anyone idea what's going wrong here? thanks in advance - kirashet

c# - Invalid enum value -

so have type: public enum types { aaa= 1, bbb= 2, ccc= 4 } public class requestpayload { public int prop1 { get; set; } public string prop2 { get; set; } public types prop3 { get; set; } } and postman testing web api. public mytype create([frombody] requestpayloadpayload) { return null } here postman settings: so why in controller object has property prop3 6666 when enum not have value? i don't know "postman", assume you're surprised int value other 1, 2, or 4 can assigned prop3 . reason - that's how enums work in c# since, under hood, field of enum type converted int (or whatever underlying type of enum is), int value can legally stored in it. from msdn : enum days : byte {sat=1, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri}; a variable of type days can assigned value in range of underlying type; values not limited named constants. this probably avoid expensive run-time checking of values against &qu

data modeling - how to handle search by unique id in Cassandra -

i have table composite primary key. name,description, id primary key (id, name, description) whenever searching cassandra need provide 3 keys, have use case want delete, update, , based on id. so created materialized view against table, , reordered keys have id first can search based on id. but how delete or update record id ? it's not clear if using partition key 3 columns, or if using composite primary key . if using partition key 3 columns: create table tbl ( id uuid, name text, description text, ... primary key ((id, name, description)) ); notice double parenthesis need 3 components identify data. when query data id materialized view need retrieve both name , description fields, , issue 1 delete per tuple <id, name, description> . instead, if use composite primary key id being partition key : create table tbl ( id uuid, name text, description text, ... primary key (id, name, description) ); no

testing - Spring-boot-starter-test cannot run database integration test -

i'm running spring test, sadly still keep getting error . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: spring boot :: (v1.4.2.release) 2016-11-17 13:28:14.864 info 1372 --- [ main] b.c.medclin.boot.daostest.medicodaotest : starting medicodaotest on cta1 46063 pid 1372 (started viniciusbraga in c:\users\viniciusbraga\git\medcal) 2016-11-17 13:28:14.865 info 1372 --- [ main] b.c.medclin.boot.daostest.medicodaotest : no active profile set, falling default profiles: default 2016-11-17 13:28:14.881 info 1372 --- [ main] s.c.a.annotationconfigapplicationcontext : refreshing org.springframework .context.annotation.annotationconfigapplicationcontext@6f7e336b: startup date [thu nov 17 13:28:14 brst 2016]; root of context