java - Is it correct to use CallableStatement in JSF -

i'm still learning jsf in past created project using swing jdbc , mysql rdbms. right i'm working on web project become more familiar jsf.

most of examples saw online used preparedstatement , haven't seen used callablestatement

i asked because think i'll need use sql transactions perform tasks. so, callablestatement me , used callablestatement in past.

also, noticed in examples saw, never used try-with-resources syntax has auto-closing of resources

consider method below.

public void register() throws sqlexception{         string myfirstname = this.getfirstname();         string mylastname = this.getlastname();         string mymiddlename = this.getmiddlename();         string myemail = this.getemail();         try{             context context = new initialcontext();             datasource = (datasource)context.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/mydb");         }catch(namingexception e){             e.printstacktrace();         }             if(datasource == null){                 throw new sqlexception("can't datasource");             }          connection connection = datasource.getconnection();             if(connection == null){                  throw new sqlexception("unable connect datasource");              }          try{             string sql = "insert customer (firstname,lastname,middlename,email) values(?,?,?,?)";             preparedstatement addcustomer = connection.preparestatement(sql);                 addcustomer.setstring(1, myfirstname);                 addcustomer.setstring(2, mylastname);                 addcustomer.setstring(3, mymiddlename);                 addcustomer.setstring(4, myemail);          }finally{             connection.close();         }      } 

is possible me replace preparedstatement addcustomer = connection.preparestatement(sql);

string sql = "{call addcustomer (?,?,?,?)}"; callablestatement = conn.preparecall(sql); 

if not, best solution make use of sql transactions contained in stored procedures in jsf

i'd appreciate example best help.

thank you.


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